Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Relationship Drabble - Private Show

There’s nothing more arousing to Mitsuo than seeing his uptight and anxious, and far too innocent acting Anep break down and become a submissive bitch, moaning and whimpering on his thick cock. He loves it when the mashmallow calls him “boss” and begs him to fuck his “pussy” harder. And he’s completely right to call it that: this tight white hole was made to be bred and filled up with cum. After he’s done, he’ll let the rest of the grunts fight over who gets to have the sloppy seconds, and thirds, and fourths, and fifths.

It let Mitsuo pull a power move over his grunts, reminding them that he was the boss not just because he started the gang, but because he was the big man with the big dick, it wasn’t just that he was the best fighter, but by having exclusive rights to the best cumdump the gang had ever seen, access which he might rarely share but could never lose, he helped affirm that he was their alpha. It helped keep people in line.