Saturday, February 27, 2021

Plana Letters

A quick WIP of an Alternative writing system for Plana, letters only...

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bear's wings again, KFC Energy Wings

These are another design for his wings, more fitting the term wings of light, I also added a splash of color around his halo (a faint fringe of pastel yellow, blue, purple, and red), which fits well. His wings are orange and lavender, though their outline (almost pastel orange) is easily visible the inner colors are much fainter, though without the transparency they are more vibrant than they seem otherwise, there are veins and as you can see, he has a number of spots “eye marks” much like an insect, his wings remind me of a dragonfly actually.

(These were made with no plan in mind, just mixing colors and drawing, sorta like Eva-01s wings in EOE and a bit like the Awakened Eva 01s wings in NTE 2)

Oh right, this was a version I never showed off, these are based kinda on the angel wings from Tales of Symphonia, ironically the first set in this post are closer to that aesthetic.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Current Goals

Currently: I'm working on a new style of writting, less... autsitic detail. a bit less runon with the porn, I'm also trying to learn to write smut better, quick but vulger etc, as well as other stuff... To practice I've been going through and rewritting old stuff, not just incorperating new ideas but also trying a new style. I hope everyone likes...

As for drawing, I should probs get around to drawing some Ecumene ruins on paper, I'm also going to update all my OCs, cartoonzing their body hair, as I've done with both Bear and Mitsuo, which will be a nice since I plan on drawing a refrence sheet for each of them at the same time...