Tuesday, October 26, 2021


I kinda got bogged down with all the actual, like, narrative that needed to be updated, specially since the app is kinda hard to use, so I reverted all of that stuff to drafts, I've made some major changes to everything, for example there aren't dummy plugs anymore, cos unlike Ghost in the Shell and other Cyberpunk media that has them, the Techiverse has very advanced intelligent software and its everywhere, making the possibility of having your body hijacked by some VI or Hacker much more likely, which has frightened people away from the tech, especially since headsets can provide perfect immersion in VR, yet can be take off with ease.
There are still cybernetics and even Neuralware (walker has some), but not direct brain computer interfaces.

In this case, the hacking without equipment look is provided by an augmented reality implant projecting imagines inside the eye, which can be controlled by eye movements...

The whole cosmology is updated, and though I've kept the Eva finish (Souls, AT fields, Metaphysical Biology, LCL and Core) while the actual under the hood stuff is drastically changed.

I've mostly been working on new world building for the past few months and kinda dropped the ball on showcasing a Troupe every once and a while... Most of the narrative writing has been working on updating old stuff...