Friday, June 17, 2022

Technicolor Earth

The birth of Christ is when Before Dawn became New Dawn; ND, with the birth of the Newborn Sun, chrsianity spreads rapidly by sail across the globe. The Chinese developed gunpowder and guns in the 10th century, using them to conquer the mongols. China colonized all the way to the black sea and the northernmost reaches of East Russia under the Zheng Dynasty, existing as a neighbor to the Byzantine Empire. After the collapse of the roman empire into the east and west, what would become modern germany had become the Holy Roman Empire in Hesperia.

ND 1100 Teutonic Knights had risen to power in western Germany, their influence spread throughout the region, eventually taking control over the whole of eastern America, whose cultural groups range from German, Eastern European, Spanish, Italian, and French. Japan built a sea trading empire along the Albert Ocean in the late 1100s, even spreading south into the atlantic. By the 12 century, castle building was ongoing in the region, but western America was still largely a frontier. By the later 2nd millennium, Frank, Ispaina, Italy, Portugal, and eventually Switzerland and Poland split from Rome.

The Zheng Dynasty in China collapses into civil war, the greed of the Chinese rulers and huge gap in wealth between the nobility and peasantry weakens the empire as it becomes corrupt and complacent, a military coup collapses the empire and gives birth to the Dynasty of Generals in China. Local powers reassert themselves now that reinforcements from China will not be coming. China does not recover until the 1400s, and does not reassert itself as a colonizing empire, becoming isolationist.

The Islamic invasion of Iberia converts the peninsula to islam by 1500, meanwhile, the ressisance was ongoing in the countries splintered off Holy Rome. Christian thought to be influenced by Buddhists following the Silk Road and international trade.

The Japanese explore the Albert sea, trading in india and with the aborigines when the muslims close off their ports to the ‘infidels’, as well as traveling across the atlantic to trade with the french, italians, greeks, eastern europeans, spanish and portuguese. They do not stay in West or South America though, finding the prospect of war with the natives to be too high a price to pay, Japan gathers great riches through trade however, eventually they return to their homeland and isolate themselves to prevent conquest by the European Powers in 1510. Indonesia became one of the most prominent trading powers in the world during this time as well.

The Western America is colonized by the Ispanish, French, and British, in the late 1500s, but eventually a rebellion among the colonies on the Ceres coast, and forms the United States of America from the original 13 colonies in 1790; the 14th colony, Canada, remains under the rule of the British Crown. Frank and Ispaina also built colonies in Southern America, along the gulf coast.

The USA began annexing most every colony in the west, eventually consisting of 50 states stretching from the old world Thrace to the ceres and pacific. Leaving Great North to the north, and Aquamexico to the south, and Germany, Portugal, France, and Ispaina to the East. The USA opened the Japanese empire, in self-imposed isolation to prevent conquest by the outside, to trade in 1821, triggering the Meiji Restoration, prior to this only one port, Dejima, was open to trade, though the empire had creeped northwards along the island chain; the samurai are integrated into the new Imperial system instead of being brutally persecuted by the Imperial government. With help from the samurai, Japan successfully industrializes, propelling Japan into rapid modernization and integration.

In the 19th century, slowly the assembly line revolutionized manufacturing, and the horseless carriage began to dominate by as early as 1910; though horse and buggy were still common. In the 1860s, as quantum mechanics was developed as a distinct discipline to explain wave-particle duality, religious freedom ingrained into the modern constitutions of most of Hyperborea and America, result in a push for secularism in politics and science, eventually developing the modern "atheistic" concept of materialistic science as distinct from religion seen in the 20th century.

Growing fearful at the explosive advancement of the Japanese Empire, Qing China opens up its borders to trade with the Europeans for the first time in centuries, reopening the silk road, hoping to gain allies against the increasingly aggressive Japanese, spreading the industrial revolution throughout East Asia via globalized trade, equalizing both powers. In 1825, the Traditional Samurai Families, fearful of their waning influence, began an open rebellion in central Honshu, starting a civil war that lasted until 1880, and resulting in the Japanese selling off their holdings in North America to the British and Americans. The Quan Dynasty Chinese Federation formed in 1874, as an Imperial Confederacy, however, the Quan Dynasty eventually broke apart, forming the People’s Republic of China in the North due to communist subversion, with the Quan Monarchy giving way to full democracy in the South during the Chinese war.

Seele’s conspirators turned mankind into atheists who worship science, in order to have control over Seele’s great work, regardless of the social cost incurred by preventing access to the truth, with humans in fear of, but also apart from, God, Nerv has been able to rule by using the media and propaganda to appease man’s conscience for the lack of faith.

Seattle, a small trading port made wealthy by the railroad linking back to “civilization” in the south as the major trading hub of Oregon Territory; burned down in 1906, japanese immigrants reconstructed the city, using techniques that allowed for movement and flexibility is a seismic event; they often blended Japanese elements into their work; with curved rooftops and lanterns, koinobori flags, signature cats, among other things, giving the city a fusion vibe. The city was reborn from the earthquake, becoming a Japanese dominated melting pot, creating an East-West fusion culture, the modern city is a high tech but grimy hybrid of artistic and technological architecture, with Japanese rooftops and lanterns, koinobori flags, signature cats, among other things, giving the city its fusion vibe.

In 1880, America and Germany fought the first war ever to use an air force, the conflict was bloody; fought with new technologies but old tactics; seeing their effectiveness in combat, every major military in the world scrambles to create its own imitation of the german air force. In 1910, America became split into two separate factions, the federalists and republicans, over growing federal powers, the civil war between the republicans in the south and federalists of the north is won by the north, firmly supporting the rule of the federal government over its states, this is the second conflict fought with airplanes; the first being between the United Kingdom and Germany.

New York became known for gambling and tourism alongside trade; New York was a city of light, with its own version of the Eiffel Tower, and luxurious casinos and hotels. In the 1900s, the American Federation worked to rapidly settle and industrialize the northeast coast to fortify it against the socialist/fascist  germans. In the 1950s, the development of nuclear power solved much of the world’s energy needs; solar power and wind power became common, alongside electric cars; at least in America; the cold war begins as tensions between the American Federation and the USSR grow as both nations industrialize with the help of nuclear power; atomic weaponry is not developed at this time.

In 1954, a treaty was formulated allowing the colonization of up to 10% of the landmass of Antarctica as long as the colonists maintain a minimal environmental footprint, with strict quotas on colonists and resource extraction to prevent land grabs. 1965, Germany began a war of aggression against both the America and the former territories lost in the latter half of the second millennium ND, paralleling the real second world war. Developing the atom bomb, the war ends with western germany being occupied by and annexed by America, despite the Nazi’s attempts to prevent the allies from occupying their territoy using nuclear stirkes and radiation.

The German War's impact on the world was powerful and long-lasting. The USSR came to aid the American Federation during the war, which began a path of reconciliation to end the Cold War. The nuclear attacks immediately triggered non-proliferation efforts worldwide. In 1967, the American Federation lands a man on the moon, and by 1970, most industrial nations maintain scientific stations on the moon, in 1978, the ISA plans for an Island 1 colony in orbit, which is completed in 1985, and by 1990 many zero-gee stations, for research or industry or tourism, are already in orbit, many owned and operated by private entities, and by 2001 space planes are carrying upper middle class and above tourists into orbit to visit space hotels, most zero-gee but many rotating, with the moonbases being outfitted with malls and hotels to accommodate tourists as they expand into real colonies.

The Japanese fought alongside the Americans during the Chinese war that split China into two separate countries, the People's Republic of China in the north and the Chinese Federation in the south. In 1983, the Soviet Union collapses amid global populist uprisings. With the reunification of China in 1985 the extensive slave operations were shut down, depriving globalized industry of the cheap labor it had come to heavily rely on. In the 1980s, the United States built a mass driver to accelerate the pace of space exploration, and soon robotic drones supervised by telepresence from the moon base are building a giant mass driver along the Lunar Equator.

The collapse of modern governments, caused by corruption and complacency, begins in the late 70s to 80s causes corporations to step in to maintain vital infrastructure and services, in return for appeasing the political powers, major corporations are granted illegal monopolies, invasion of privacy, illegal immigrant workers, and tax evasion, along with free government money; this marriage of corporate and political power made the third world war not just possible, but inevitable, and led to the civil wars that broke apart even strong nations like the United States.

As this marriage of political and corporate power causes a decline in the quality of life on Earth; a result of rampant climate change and social instability, the rich begin departing earth for orbital settlements and colonies aboard space stations; the so-called Islands, built by telepresence from materials sent into space via the lunar mass driver; when the USA completes its mass driver, this process only accelerates.

1970s through 1990s, key breakthroughs in genetic research; comprehensive phenotype expression models allow the consequences of gene mods to be accurately predicted; real genetic engineering provides many industrial and commercial benefits; including newer, stronger, faster growing crop strains, among the first breakthroughs made; the development of biocomputers in 1997, alongside research into self-building circuitry, cold refining, practical thermonuclear fusion; all which allows the world to recover almost immediately from the 3rd world war.

The Third World War was a limited but global nuclear and conventional conflict which began in 1999 with an escalation of UN peacekeeping actions in the Baltics; attempting to suppress a comunist uprising by the terrorist ‘Baltic People’s Army”, consisting of both US backed European forces and the Russians; resulting in a series of nuclear strikes across Eurasia. The use of nuclear weapons was thankfully limited; though the Europeans and Chinese exhausted their nuclear arsenals, the Russians and Americans held back.

The United States and China were worst hit by nuclear weapons; even though both were not directly involved in the original escalation, though nuclear exchanges occurred within the Asian and European theaters, the city of Berlin was destroyed, along with Tokyo. Ending in 2002, the conflict primarily involved wealthy and powerful developed countries whose destruction fundamentally changed the global balance of power, breaking long established national boundaries and concentrations of populations.

As a result of the war, global geopolitics became heavily balkanized, with even the United States breaking apart during the second American civil war in 2015 into smaller, less stable competitors; civil wars and non state revolutions pose a constant security threat worldwide, and millions of refugees displaced by the global tumult are a major international problem. Tokyo, Sendai and Niigata, among others, along with Berlin, Okinawa, and Beijing are struck by tactical nuclear weapons during the nuclear volly, Grays Harbor, Yakima, Anacortes, Fort Worth, New York, in the United States are destroyed, the seat of Japanese government is temporarily transferred to Niihama before permanent relocation to Fukuoka, Kyūshū.

After the war, civil wars erupt globally, and even once strong nations such as the United States become fractured; at the end of the Second American Civil War in 2015, the United States has split into the American Empire in the south, the Russo-American Alliance in the North, and the rump republic United States proper consisting mostly of the pitiful handful of states in the pacific northwest and in the Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains, possessing little of the former USA's industrial base or population. America is now dominated by Imperial Americana, which competes bitterly with Aquamexico for land and resources south of the former borders of the United States.

The badsides cover 70% of earth’s land surface, South America, Africa, much of Southeast Asia, South Eastern Europe and Russia, and even much of Latin America are left as badsides, more than 100 million square kilometers of economic ruin, in some places even apocalyptic, left relatively unimportant economically or militarily, even much of the United States, Germany, Brazil, Japan, and Russia and China is in a state of economic ruin even though these countries are ostensibly superpowers.

The Middle East, relatively unscathed from the Nuclear Third World War, becomes embroiled in warfare that collapses Egypt, and leads to Saudi Arabia taking over most of the Arabian Peninsula, Iran loses much territory to a radical new Islamic sect, which continues to evangelize and brutalize the region as it attempts to expand its conquests. Many population centers are broken with the collapse of industrial infrastructure globally, forcing the population into new areas.

As a result of the escalation of the second vietnam war into a fourth non-nuclear world war in 2019 through 2023, 70% of earth’s land surface, South America, Africa, much of Southeast Asia, South Eastern Europe and Russia, and even much of Latin America are left as badsides, more than 100 million square kilometers of economic ruin, in some places even apocalyptic, left relatively unimportant economically or militarily, even much of the United States, Germany, Brazil, Japan, and Russia and China is in a state of economic ruin even though these countries are ostensibly superpowers.

The third world war quickly developed into a widespread humanitarian crisis by breaking long established borders and centers of population displaced millions of refugees; leading to decades worth of political instability that ultimately resulted in the second American civil war and the second vietnam war. The devastation caused an instant collapse of international stability and placed the global economy into a state of chaos, especially within America and China, which were worst hit by the war; despite neither being part of the initial conflict; ultimately leading the the Second American Civil war and formation of Imperial Americana and a decade later, a second Chinese war that saw North and South China reunify into a single nation.

As a testament to man’s resilience and ingenuity, and the mastery of science and technology, mankind was able to restore a sense of normalcy within a decade of the thrid world war, however, many of the survivors are left with lingering emotional and psychological scars from the chaos and are left with a sense of going through the motions as the world remaining myered in conflict, economic collapse, and civil war.

The technologies developed in the 70s through the 90s; key breakthroughs in genetic, stem cell, and cloning research; comprehensive phenotype expression models allow the consequences of gene mods to be accurately predicted; real genetic engineering provides many industrial and commercial benefits; including newer, stronger, faster growing crop strains, among the first breakthroughs made; the development of biocomputers in 1997, alongside research into self-building circuitry, cold refining, practical thermonuclear fusion allows fields to be lit 24/7 for grains that never stop growing.

Real genetic engineering, stem cells, cloning, self-assembling circuits, cold refining, become the basis of the global reconstruction efforts; creating a sharp contrast between the technologies from before the war to after it; holographic displays in homes and clothing, automated manufacturing, suborbital space flights, bionic limbs, cloned organs and limbs; cybernetics saving the lives of these injured by the war.

In 1998 the first organic supercomputer system, a giant force grown brain attached to complex life support systems was developed alongside the growth-type neurochips, which would become the basis of robotic and AI design, as well as the eventual creation of brain computer interfaces, in 2007, Thracian Union was able to create and replicate an artificial gravity pulse. Commercial space flight was introduced through Pan AM in 2001.

Korea successfully cloned 30 human embryos in 2004, leading to cloned organs and limbs; with bionics able to replicate the sensation of touch developed alongside; in 2005, the United States announced a possible cure for HIV; and in 2008 two bionic eyes were transplanted into two previously blind patients. better medicine, even better gene therapies, better surgical procedures, cloned organs providing virtually non-existent organ rejection, and more sophisticated equipment, blood vessel cleanses, extending the human lifespan to its maximum potential of 120 years, though it remains expensive and only accessible to the well off, with the less fortunate are lucky to live 60 to 70 years.

The use of genetic engineering on farms is reducing hunger, at the same time micromachine based drug deliveries are curing diseases globally. When socalars talk about the age-old legends of the Philosopher’s Stone or the Fountain of Youth, they all agree mankind found it. Consumer access to micromachines changes the world forever. Many diseases are rendered extinct with time thanks to more advanced medicine.

By the 2000s, the rich; the investor, executive, and managerial class, have left earth and moved into orbit; to orbital colonies, first in low earth orbit then the Lagrange Points; the push for the rich to get away from earth drives space exploration; driving the construction of the international lunar mass driver in the late 70s, and the USA’s own mass driver on earth. Meanwhile the first human walks on Mars in 2024, a manned mission to Jupiter in 2026, with the first Mars colony planned in 2032.

In 2008, social media is developed as second life and augmented reality social media platforms, where people can create avatars to work, communicate, play sports, and/or fight with each other, businesses can also be conducted through these platforms, billed as a life you can control, not the same as VR, this technology makes extensive use of augmented reality.

Telecommuting, augmented reality, drones, and automation allow most employees to work from home using a headset and computer while those who don’t have the skills to work in an office or the service industry, or to make a living off their own abilities, are left working on factory farms, ones lit 24/7, for grains should never stop growing, and meats made by compiling cells in a 3d printer or grown artificially in vats of nutrient cultures that never stop bubbling.

Post-war technologies like holographic displays in homes and clothing, automated manufacturing, suborbital space flights, bionic limbs, cloned organs and limbs; cybernetics saving the lives of these injured by the war; robotic warfare, neural interface headsets, ais, nuclear fusion became commonplace as the reconstruction efforts rebuild the cities and towns, their advancement creating a sharp contrast between the magnetic tape decks, flat screens, keyboards, mobile phones, and laptops created before the war, and preserved long after; creating the used future feel many of the people who lived through the war experience.

In the small towns many of homes abandoned by people feeling to the big cities for food and medicine are eventually inhabited by squatters and patched with metal or plastic sheets; many new tiny homes built out of recycled materials like metal sheets and thin wood, despite these conditions; the people are able to purchase advanced technologies like VR games and holograms; priority is given to providing these towns with autodoctors to make up for their lack of trained medical staff; by the 2020s, holograms even become part of the civil infrastructure in small towns.

As early as 2009 cybernetics and nanotechnological systems were used as lifesaving treatments for extreme injuries and illnesses which cannot be treated in any other way – and by the rich to extend their lives. These systems are bulky and extend well outside the body, making them uncomfortable and unmistakable, comparable to wheelchairs of the past.

Brain computer interfaces are developed to control machines using neural synchronization; these neural interfaces were perfected between 2005 and 2010 as part of the process of creating personality transplant OS; a form of AI created by cognitive impression modeling, which is installed on dozens of organic supercomputers globally after its completion on 2010; the result is the first brain-implant chip; these early models require antennas externally, to communicate with computers.

In 2012, the first “full dive” Virtual Reality rig; a wearable helmet, based on information from the Brain Implant Chip and personality transplant OS was released onto the market as a wild success, earlier interfaces were based on direct neural implants with antennas extending outside the body; the precursors to the brain implant chip. In 2014, a streamlined package of core programs for creating and managing a virtual reality were posted to a public server, a massive explosion of virtual worlds began in turn.

Also in 2014; the prototype fourth generation VR device, a huge industrial machine, called the Soul Translator, tests quantum brain theory; identifying the Nambu–Goldstone bosons persisted by the theory as evanescent photons within the microtubules of nerve cells; subject to the uncertainty principle these particles fluctuate according to probability theory, a collection of these particles constitutes a quantum field comprising human consciousness; the human soul.

AI technology; the personality transplant, assists in making many breakthroughs in research; AI technology allows practical thermonuclear fusion by dynamically countering leaks as they arise rather than continuing to work on the impossible idea of one design that counters all problems, electricity, internet, and freshwater become ubiquitous globally during the post-war reconstruction, famine and even food quality no longer an issue globally with vat grown meat and new crop strains.

Molecular manufacturing with genomically modified bacteria allowed the development of E-Carbon in the 2010s, an artificial allotrope of carbon which has a bulk strength dozens of times that of carbon nanotubes. In 2014 the Stolleta Solar Array was released onto the market, quickly becoming a best-selling product, meeting over half the energy needs of human civilization by 2030. Fully-articulating, in-orbit solar arrays deliver uninterrupted, constantly renewable power, using a thin film polymer with polycrystalline silicon distribution. These arrays are prefered by world governments due to the flexible power delivery scheme, transmitting power back via microwave beam in the post-occupation world.

2015, self-assembling circuitry and quantum dots used to commercialize holograms; which have seen extensive military use prior, by 2020s these are the most common display medium in the world, hard light replaces tactile input like mouses and keyboards. Holo houses created by using quantum dots inside paint which link up with self-assembled circuitry to allow the layering of virtual images over physical substructures; no more difficult than painting something to dyeing fabric, becomes common.

By 2015 robotic AI controlled soldiers; think tanks, and drones are the foundation of modern warfare. Artificial gravity created by superconductors used in military aerospace technologies, allowing aircraft that would otherwise be impossible. By 2016, construction of giant low orbital aircraft Arkbird - begins; capable of flight using superconductor generated antigravity when sufficiently powered, the first model was stolen in 2019, still in an incomplete state.

In many developed countries, schooling breaks down as a result of the war; with the need to get the children into the workforce as soon as possible; with everything after middle school becoming options in favor of apprenticeships and trade schools. Public school is used by the government to indoctrinate those born after the war into the belief that their only purpose is rebuilding a civilization whose glory days were gone before the war even happened.

Many of the kids born before the war became antisocial malcontents blaming society for a lack of instant success and fame in the post-war world, while many kids after the war instead skipped high school and learned trades instead; most jobs prefer apprenticed individuals; skilled doctors became rare; with most doctors apprenticing like before the days of formal education system; good old hometown doctors supervising automated systems, and psychology being practiced by vi systems.

The global internet, drones, rapid prototyping and other advances allow talented or skilled individuals to make a living selling what they're good at online; thanks to universal access to the internet there is always someone willing and able to buy what you're selling. AIs, robotics, the growth-neurochip and stacked quantum pattern boards revolutized computers and business, while holograms changed the face of both entertainment and whole cities.

The second American civil war occurs in 2015; lasting for several months with little actual combat, with the veterans and majority of the defense industry take control of the great plains and southern states, while the political establishment enters into an alliance with russia in order to deter the newly formed American Empire, the rump state, the USA consists of only a handful of northern and rocky mountain states with little industry or population, which maintains itself only by playing its two successors against one another, as a buffer state.

The Middle East, relatively unscathed from the Nuclear Third World War, becomes embroiled in warfare that collapses Egypt, and leads to Saudi Arabia taking over most of the Arabian Peninsula, Iran loses much territory to a radical new Islamic sect, which continues to evangelize and brutalize the region as it attempts to expand its conquests. Many population centers are broken with the collapse of industrial infrastructure globally, forcing the population into new areas; creating massive refugee tensions. Civil wars and non-state revolutions pose a constant security threat worldwide, and millions of refugees displaced by the global tumult are a major international problem.

The Brain implant chip of the late 2010s allows direct brain-computer link but are dangerous due to the proliferation of AIs across the internet, which could access and possibly overwrite a person’s mind through the system; but which allow incredible feats of hacking and unparalleled speed when using computers; and allow someone apparently not equipped with a computer to hack; making it almost impossible to localize the hacker.

The precursor to the atmospheric processor generates a localized synthetic atmosphere over the north pole in 2016; ending global warming. The frictionless quantum bearing is also developed, increasing mechanical efficiency of many devices dramatically. Also, holographic technology created with self-assembling quantum dots caused the proliferation of holographic displays; using hard light filters from 1998, touchable holograms became a common user interface; replacing keyboards and other input technology.

in the late 2010s Autotailors go commercial; these take raw fabric and materials, digital templates, and a person’s measurements to create perfectly tailored clothing; revolutionizing the apparel industry; clothing stores need only keep a few autotailors and raw materials in stock while buying templates instead of relying on standardized clothing sizes, revolutionizing the way people design and buy clothes, allowing custom perfectly fitted and unique clothes to be manufactured on demand. The technology simply needs raw fabric and materials, designs, and sizing information to create perfectly tailored clothes.

Cargo ships equipped with anti gravity technology fly over the oceans and landscape to land in fields with enough flat land; making long distance rail and semi travel obsolete, and cause economic depressions among the port cities now that they are no longer needed for global trade.

In 2019, continued refinements in bionic augmentation results in even the more extreme applications finally meeting industry and safety standards. Followed by a collapse in costs that rendered many technologies accessible to the mainstream public for the first time; Virtual intelligence software also now allows the real time modeling of the consequences of genetic engineering, before these technologies were used only in a medical setting, but now become available to hobbyists and consumers as an everyday body augmentation like pierced ears or tattoos.

Bionic eyes are a common replacement for glasses for the middle class and rich; though too expensive for the working poor. Nanite infusion of hard metals into bone or lacing long-strand high-strength polymers into ligaments and connective tissues becomes possible.

Organ replacement becomes common; any organ except the brain can be upgraded and replaced, either with simple bionic substitutes, cloned organs or limbs in the case of organ failure or accidental loss. Through the synthesis of bionics, micromachines, and genomics, additional organs; such as a replacement to the digestive system designed to handle foods humans cannot normally eat; for instance cellulose for vegans, or gills for swimmers. Extra arms, legs, eyes, or even genitals are possible though the brain rarely knows how to operate them.

Bootleg copies of personality transplant OS also start appearing around 2019 using VR rigs to model a personality into a stack of VI platforms and then patching them with an augmented reality management system to create a digital copy of a person’s personality as an AI, leading to a massive proliferation of AIs across the net in the 2020s. 

Ais do not bring about the long hoped for labor revolution; human minds, like human bodies, are inefficient and error prone because they can do anything, whereas a VI or robot is specialized for a specific task which it can perform infinitely better than a human; this remains true of Sapient AIs too, whose only advantage is ability to accelerate their thinking and alter states of perception to make work less boring. 

Post-war, more and more of the population concentrates into the major cities as overcrowding and droughts become more and more common Rising unemployment, perpetual racial and class conflicts, and the major nations play-acting at war, but taking real lives, to keep their economies from collapsing while the rich get richer. Those who don't want to live this way travel the decaying freeways as nomads; mad max style gangs, many of them gay leather punks.

As a result of the escalation of the second vietnam war into a fourth non-nuclear world war in 2019 through 2023, 70% of earth’s land surface, South America, Africa, much of Southeast Asia, South Eastern Europe and Russia, and even much of Latin America are left as badsides, more than 100 million square kilometers of economic ruin, in some places even apocalyptic, left relatively unimportant economically or militarily, even much of the United States, Germany, Brazil, Japan, and Russia and China is in a state of economic ruin even though these countries are ostensibly superpowers.

First human walks on Mars in 2024, a manned mission to Jupiter in 2026, with the first Mars colony planned in 2032. 2024; the Second Chinese War, which results in China reunifying under the southern government and entering a state of bitter cold war with the American Empire Also in 2024; With VI technology allowing real time modeling of the consequences of genetic engineering results in an explosion of genomic technologies, and hobbyist modifications.

First human walks on Mars in 2024, a manned mission to Jupiter in 2026, with the first Mars colony planned in 2032, but in this same historic year occurs the second Chinese War, which results in China reunifying under the southern government and entering a state of bitter cold war with the American Empire.

2022 Quantum entanglement based neural synchronization for augmented reality developed, installed into bracelets called coils; which replace cell phones, and when worn around the head, provide full dive VR. In 2025, the Anti-Gravity Chamber was developed, to nullify the Earth’s gravitational field, creating zero-gravity conditions within a limited volume, which speeds up the recovery process.

Robotic ‘Autodoctors’; nanosurgical 3d printing system equipped with VI medical databases; with the ability to wirelessly send instructions to flawlessly perform complicated surgical procedures without a doctor being involved; clinical trials under the supervision of medical professionals occurs in the late 2010s, with the technology becoming available for sale in the 2020s, a life saver in the many rural communities with self-taught medical staff.

The machine can diagnose illnesses as well; life saving in small towns and rural areas without properly trained medical staff; these are common in small towns by 2025-2028, Automated manufacturing; the autofabs, an industrial appliance able to make most anything begins to appear in the commercial sector.

2020s; the Autofab is developed, large and inefficient, but followed by ever more efficient designs until becoming an industrial appliance like any other; about the size of a cargo container, and arranged into huge factory complexes to sastesy demand; huge 3d sprawl of specialized units in all shapes and sizes with dense networks of conveyors, utility lines, and conventional assembly lines for component transport and assembly. Buying things from these complexes is no more complicated than placing an order at the nearest mall or online catalog, with the finished product delivered by mail from the nearest fabrication licensed to produce the item, many malls have a few units in back to keep up inventory.

Templates sold on the net, either by corporations or created as customs by individuals can be made at local industrial centers at only a small cost of time and material as well as small licensing fees, payment by instant electronic transaction. Special fabricators to produce products in situ for infrastructure like bridges, buildings, and other fixed constructs, which arrive in cases and then spread around on a robotic truss for assembly, becomes common.

By 2026; Earth’s underfunded governments are becoming unable to keep enough police on the streets to do anything about the crime rate; which breaks new records every year, with major corporations stepping in with private security forces, while the planet’s populations are divided along racial and class lines into different groups struggling against one another. Civil wars still pose a threat to global security worldwide, non-state revolutions, terrorism are facts of daily life everywhere.

By the 2020s, holograms are the most common display media in the world; with holographic emitters in clothes and holomovies; advancing soft light holograms are frequently used as "skins" by layering a virtual image over a physical substructure, and many areas too poor to afford renovations or public works layer holograms over buildings and interiors and create holographic decorations. Holographic technology is all enabled by quantum dots connected by self-assembling circuitry; being able to be used as a dye or paint, controlled by smart software. Hard light is common as a tactile display; being used all over the high end businesses and boutiques.

Holographic technology is all enabled by quantum dots connected by self-assembling circuitry; being able to be used as a dye or paint, connected by smart software. Hard light is common as a tactile display; being used all over the high end businesses and boutiques.

Thermonuclear fusion becomes practical after the war, it proved impossible to create a single design that eliminated all plasma instabilities, the new approach, dynamically countering the instabilities as they arose using an advanced expert system to control the reaction, proved to be very effective, alongside genetic engineering, nuclear fusion allows for vast expanses of farmland to be lit 24/7/365, more than doubling production of food, using force grown animal tissue for factory “farmed” meat, helping eliminate world hunger.

The development of industrial antimatter production, done with special particle accelerators which converted about 1% of the energy fed into them, usually from nuclear or solar or hydrothermal power plants, most of this antimatter is used in space travel, to create high thrust low efficiency rockets and even launch interstellar probes, however, a significant quantity goes into Non-Nuclear Bombs, a bomb which uses a clean fusion reaction catalyzed by antimatter to create a devastatingly powerful weapons with no fallout, which can be used much more readily than nukes; these are used in the third and fourth world wars.

Many diseases are rendered extinct with time, by 2030 thanks to more advanced medicine and micromachine based delivery systems. Food shortages and quality cease being an issue. By 2030, almost all major corporations have branches dealing with micromachines and some are totally dependent on the technology, which is more abundant on earth than insects by 2032.

After decades of prosperity the nations of Earth suddenly faced intense resource scarcity and massive refugee migrations; many nations reorganized into large trading blocs and federations; the global military budgets were diverted into reconstruction efforts; the loss of the American Military from the global stage; which it effectively supplemented the military’s of most of the world forced many nations to abandon many of their deeply held welfare programs; concepts like universal healthcare; let alone universal basic incomes, vanished rapidly from Thrace and Hyperborea.

Earth becomes dominated by several economic blocks, the Slik Road extending from China all the way to india, which is heavily engaged in space exploration; the Paris-Darkar Rally, which has imported many African Muslims into France, a country no longer able to maintain itself via tax collection and thus resorting to drug, weapons, and human trafficking to sustain itself, while the newly industralizng economies of the south pacific form the South Pacific Concord. Auqamexico is the leading superpower of the new world, producing advanced cybernetics and AI technology. 

Thrace, which wasn’t as hard hit by the war, was forced into expanding its military budgets to perform global peacekeeping efforts, and in the process give up its the expansive welfare states of the TU, which eventually escalated into fourth world war, after the second american civil war, Imperial Americana attempted to acquire resources south of its border by annexing mexico under the pretext of overthrowing corrupt governments in central and south America; however after an extensive carpet bombing campaign and even nuclear strikes, the war ends with a mexican victory; meanwhile the second vietnam war becomes a brutal war of attrition lasting nearly a decade.

The vast amount of Entropy needed to maintain the remnants of human civilization is becoming abundant by the 2030s, with the quality of life on Earth declining, the countryside becoming home to vast factory farmlands, open pit and vast strip mines along with all manner of other destructive industrial activities in order to keep civilization going.

Entropy on a vast scale, pollution and ecosystem destruction unravel the food chain alongside mutations caused by genetically engineered viruses and pollution, mankind began pushing to the stars, having all the technology needed for space colonization; vat grown meat, factory farms, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, artificial gravity, telepresence, fusion reactors, superconductors and super-efficient capacitors.

The badsides become home to violent mutant species created from the mixing of industrial pollution and genetically engineered viruses as Earth’s underfunded governments can't keep enough police on the streets to do anything about the increasing crime rate; with major corporations stepping in with private security forces, while the planet’s populations are divided along racial and class lines into different groups struggling against one another.

The gradual collapse of modern governments, caused by corruption and complacency, in the late 70s to 80s led to the chaos of the post-war era, global tumult through increasing political instability and international volatility, and thus to the civil wars and insurgencies; civil wars still pose a threat to global security worldwide, non-state revolutions, terrorism are facts of daily life everywhere; and the global economy is a fraud only sustained by the forever war. The people who lived through all this are left with a sense of going through the motions, while instilling into generations of children that their only purpose is to rebuild a civilization that was always more myth than reality.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Geography and Demographics of Techniverse Earth

Eurasia is the westernmost landmass; home to arabs, africans, indians, southeast and east asians, as well as eastern europeans, russians and aborigines; Eurasia is composed of the historical continents of Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula, Africa, and Asia, which includes the indian and australian subcontinents, but these are no longer geopolitically relevant over the whole of Eurasia. West of Eurasia is the Albert Ocean, to the northeast is the Ceres Ocean, and to the southeast is the Pacific Ocean.

Thrace is west of Eurasia, across the Albert sea, and the east of Hesperia; its home to eastern europeans on the western side, along with central, southern, and western europeans in the central areas, the French, Italian, Greeks, and the Celts, Anglo-Saxons in the islands to the north, with east asians; koreans and japanese, on the eastern peninsula and island chain. South of Thrace is the Atlantic Ocean, and north is the Cascade.

America is a large landmass in the northern hemisphere; east of Eurasia, and west of Thrace, on the west, native americans of all varieties; to the east is the historical continent of Hesperia; home to germans, spanish, portugues, dutch, polish, swiss and more; these people were originally descended from europeans traveling across the oceans during the ice ages and were later colonies of Thrace’s roman empire, and were part of the single holy roman empire. South America is a continent to the south of America which is home to more native americans, though typically with more advanced stonework and complex civilizations, mythologies; building real empires.

America is mostly temperate owing to cold ocean currents, though the southern region on the equator is home to subtropical bayus and swamplands and the the gulf coast is tropical jungles; the north is forests and tundra, there is a desert caused by the mountains around the great lakes, while the east, Hesperia, is covered in mountains, apart from a few huge valleys and plains. The Ceresian Northwest is home to endless mountains, with foothills and rolling plains on the coast.

Most native americans have been wiped out by Thracian colonization, though the FATO - Federation of American Tribal Organizations existed alongside the German Federation and Holy Roman Empire for over a thousand years since the Romans colonized Germany; though in the south, Aquamexico and South America, the spanish and french intermarried enough to form a distinct ethnic group. The huge waterway in Northern America is the Bannon Sea, while the large bay in the south is the Gulf Of Mexico, to the north is the Borealis Ocean, and the west is the Ceres. East of South America is the Atlantic Ocean, and west is the Pacific.

Greenland, the smallest continent; home to Inuits at the north, nomadic, while the south is home to nordics, including iceland. To the east of Greenland is the cascade ocean, and the Borealis to the North.

Hyperborea is to the north of Eurasia and west of northern America, it is home to, across the spine of the continent to the north, the nomadic inuits, on the east are polish and eastern europeans, along with scandinavians in the west, and to the south, italians, greeks and other mederternain people; many of whom are jewish, with an ethnic jewish state in this region. To the east is the Albert Ocean, to the North is the Boreal, and to the east is the Ceres.

Antarctica Is the southern landmass, it was never peopled naturally; since 1954, many nations have operated colonies in the warmer parts, where subsistence farming is possible, mostly mines, there are scientific stations inside the landmass. Antarctica is Surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean.

The techniverse Earth is cooler and more temperate than our Earth; not because of any difference in energy received at the surface, but because of the arrangement of land along the equator, there is no current circulating between the northern and southern hemispheres, cooling the planet dramatically; likewise the borealis, cascade, and northern albert ocean constitute a mostly landlocked northern ocean basin, which cools the northern hemisphere off even further, resulting in a snowfall and tundra In Thrace even at the horse latitudes.

Additionally, since Antarctica extends more than 10 degrees north in most all directions than the real world landmass, and in places another full 20 degrees; there is a much larger cold spot at the south pole, which nonetheless, has thawed regions in its northern reaches.

Most of the foliage corresponds to temperate forests and rain-forests, though Asia and South America are home to subtropical and tropical jungles. Extensive grasslands cover southern africa, the savanna, and bayous and swamplands cover the land south of the mountain ranges in the large peninsula off north america. Deserts can be found even in hyperborea; though not particularly hot. Air and land are poor holders and conductors of heat; the regions along the equator are very hot and tropical but do not extend very far, and never over mountain ranges.


Sorry I've been so inactive lately, I've mostly been world building though, uh, I decided to change some of the background to get further from Eva by moving the setting to a wholly alternate earth, based on a Strangereal map I made; though I tried to use real world names for my alternate history and nations as much as possible; it frees me from the constraints of just an alternate history (even with weird continents) So I can have my own world with a bedrock in reality and some realism.

The setting is my original idea, ruin diving, fighting monsters dungeon crawling, and trying to learn about Bear’s past and nature inside ancient advanced ruins; kinda like season 1 of steven universe, when there was no overarching plot, only hints of larger stories going on, amid slice of life and exploration and other worldbuilding. I’ve been able to reincorporate everything back into ancient myths and tie them together with modern conspiracies, like I love, with ancient aliens and UFOs and government conspiracies and aliens as angels and stuff…

Updated Gang Lore; Mitsuo and Bear, and their gang, live in a small town called Demitel at the foothills of the mountains on the west coast of America, along the ceres sea, its a few hours scooter ride from the town to the ocean, or the nearest major city, Toltus, it was a mining town and a large number of the workers were japanese immigrants, who brought many of the japanese touches to the town, creating its fusion culture. The town isn’t very huge, its surrounded by rolling hills and forests and lakes.

With Demitel I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, the town is based Inuba from persona 4, and on Village-3 from the new eva movie, with the small homes made of metal sheets and thin wood, cargo containers, among regular homes; up in the mountains is the town of Hima. The skullz are a color gang in the town, kids formed gangs because the town is boring and they were looking for fun and adventure, spending the day exploring the region and fighting each other.

These homes, rather than being shanties are based on the tiny home movement, small affordable homes making efficient use of space. When a typical home; almost non existent yard, small bedrooms, ugly open concept, inefficient floor-plans; the micro-mc-mansion, goes for the equivalent of 750 to 1,500k, and the average person only makes 45k, these tiny homes are a must. Bear and Mitsuo live in one 30 feet long and the main house being 8’10” wide; it's actually a larger tiny home, with a side room and veranda; its located up against the concrete bank of the Furbas river floodplain, the house is a nicer new one; a real holohouse (able to layer virtual structures over the physical substructure, like in psychopass)

The new shopping district has a huge department store, along with several tall apartments, a college on top, and even a movie theater; while the old shopping district has recovered well enough since the department store opened and everything started going under. There are few doctors with actual doctorates anymore; the hospitals are staffed with apprentices supervising largely automated robotic medicine (its 30 years old though, by 2060 state of the art was the medipod which can do all the doctoring on its own with no human supervision).

The town is located in the Ceresian northwest. The nearby skyscrapers are actually light condensing blocks (huge half cylinders with an inner layer of mirrors focusing sunlight down to the base, onto a tiny solar panel, both the mirrors and tower rotate to track the sun) in the woods power the city, and the farmland has all been tented over as factory farms, sunlit 24/7/365 for crops that never stop growing.

Since I am freer with this alt world, it's not just an alt history with some weird landmasses, they developed nuclear power before nuclear weapons, and used it and solar and wind to create electric cars; the huge expansion in car ownership in the 50s was electric rather than gasoline powered!

Updated Inusaon lore; they’re now ultraterrestrials; they are the original human race which evolved on earth out of a liquid light primordial ooze, light quantum entangled to matter to gain stickiness and mass; this displays the properties of both wave and particle at the macroscale, but can be arranged into a perfect imitation of organic molecules, in parallel to organic life on Earth.

They developed on earth more than six million years ago, slowly and methodically developing agriculture and then biotechnology, and eventually mechanical technology. They have an antimatter fueled metabolism, though instead of a discrete organ, they have many little organelles powering them; they do not have eternal life though, basically just a long extended life and no need for food, still, eventually their cells stop dividing and they decline and die.

From their antimatter powered physiology they created a race of giant (like up to 8 meters) humans made in their image with a giant antimatter organ (a huge version of their organelles, combining ambient matter with organically generated antimatter), as heavy duty laborers and soldiers; humans called these angels, because many did not resemble humans when completed (think the angels from bayonetta). More than 75,000 years ago, they created mankind (actually several of them), as domestics and infantry; using their own genes again as a template again (they gave their all-living perpetual energy attribute to their angels, and gave us their sapience)

75,000 years ago, we rebelled, and nearly drove them to extinction before they ultimately fled, leaving 17 of their race behind as AIs to guide our development. Popping in from time to time, they were always our gods, but, long after we forgot who they were except as gods, they also became our fairies and angels and kami and sky sprites and elves; and in modern times, our UFOs and aliens, most of their ruins are gone, except for a couple dozen sites of interest; everything else is buried under plant life and soil, while their surviving tools became the basis of myths, and in modern times study has netted a great tech boon too.

In this case they are basically my fan theories for NGE’s FAR, but I am not trying to copy eva anymore; I more or less mutilated my fanon theories to fit my new verse, rather than trying to fit my OCs and world into another person’s worldbuilding, since I love white bring and Bear and absolutely love the race I created (and its not my rut because when I worked on this idea it all actually flowed pretty easily, much more than before).

Their society is hidden and telepathic in nature, not having much in the way of art and literature, at least in visible form; their architecture is ergonomic but otherwise unadorned postmodernist, their spoken and written language is meant for them to be concise, which is why they speak and write at all when their whole culture is basically just telepathic. Their technology began as biotech, since they can psychically alter organic matter, and went on to biomechanical and cybernetics, using physics bending biology as the basis of everything.