Sunday, December 18, 2022


I've been busy simplifying my drawing style and doing anatomy; which is why I haven't been on much; I've got some worldbuilding details down though, even picked out some alien names (Flad, Aob, Vent, Law)...

So far these guys are all that I have updated, but they look good, and I since their simple enough its now possible to pose them for shots; I do have some new NSFW for Aob, which are just as dynamic and when I get better at poses I will update it to be even better... but for now; here's this

I did all of these this weekend, but if I continue at this pace; I will burn out; so I'll hold off till the new years and then do two or three OCs a week until I've got all the old and the several new ones I've added done...

Friday, September 30, 2022

Op̄tr Artifacts

Holy artifacts are tools based on psitech principles which were created by the Op̄tr during their occupation of earth and left behind afterwards; not all contain fantastic properties like energy projection, psionic suppression, mind control, some are simple holographic projectors or communications devices, which non the less, appeared supernatural to ancient cultures to whom the Op̄tr had faded into myth and legend.

Since the end of the occupation, these devices have become legendary relics of phenomenal properties, greatly eclipsing the scientific understanding of mankind even in the modern age; though most artifacts can at least be partially reverse engineered by 21st century technology. These artifacts bestow tremendous power over society to those who possess them. 

Though significant portions of their architecture are composed of stone and hard light, Op̄tr technology itself is composed of an unknown metal which can only be forged using psionic powers to transmogrify living matter; the resulting substance has a will and can shapeshift to a degree (for instance a spear into various different styles of spear, or sword into different kinds of swords.)

Some holy artifacts can interact with and change the passage of time; creating paradoxes, many have enough will to respond to those who wield them; some can even ‘speak’ to them. Op̄tr also produce psychoactive chemicals that can cause berserker states or enhance psionic powers; though these too are created through biological pathways; for instance by condensing the unusual neurotransmitters of a psychic in overdrive.

The abilities of these artifacts range greatly; spears able to create force fields, swords that project slashes and beams of energy, bows that can shoot bolts of energy that can destroy a modern warship, shields of virtue which can withstand vast amounts of heat damage before breaking, shrouds which can heal any wound no matter how bad, staffs which can completely resurrect a dead body and provide immortality. Hourglasses which allow time travel; fountains of youth, bidents and tridents that can suppress psionic effects, and cloth which can protect a person from the heat and force of reentry and act as amazing armor.

All these artifacts are created by psionic means; under alchemical theories; these rituals can be studied scientifically and replicated with technology, but humanity lacks the ability to do so in most instances, and all reverse engineered copies are inherently inferior.

They also have a great number of technologies similar to modern humanity but built with psitech; but being psychic they didn’t need things like cars, spaceships, tanks, airplanes, handguns, since they can fly, use telekinesis, project energy, or use astral projection and telepathy; in place of tanks and beasts of burden; they have artificial humanoids, which man calls angels, some of these even resemble terrestrial cars, trains and boats.

Though not considered normal holy-artifacts; Sealing Pillars, their huge computer systems, teleporters, holographic projectors, and other technologies are also present on earth. Though not always composed of Op̄tr metal; they do still display many of the bizarre and supernatural properties as Op̄tr holy weapons. Mechnancial in nature; there are machines and other technologies which are arranged into magical circles and decorated with occult and scientific notation.

Many of these technologies take inspiration from biological systems, and many incorporate special tissues and organs in place of sophisticated software and hardware components. Op̄tr technology advances incrementally as they discover and imitate the solutions they find in other cultures and ecosystems; advancing through imitation rather than conventional research and development. This means many of their artifacts and technologies are far more powerful than they realize.

All Op̄tr artifacts were handmade by craftsmen; rarely do the Op̄tr accept mass production; only when the quality is quite high. Because everything is customized to the needs of the end users, no two holy artifacts are exactly alike.

Kamui and Holy Weapons

Kamui act like armor despite being made of fabric, though bone based holy armor is more effective; Kamui range from everyday clothing to military armor; military Kamui come with bone armor sections. Kamui are more known for their amazing properties; they can allow someone to survive the friction of re-entry; and is an amazing thermal insulator while also wicking away sweat to keep the body comfortable and dry.

The armor, made from bone and thread, is capable of blocking even holy weapons; protecting people from the security effects of Op̄tr technology, as well as energy blasts and impacts that normal nanolaminate armor cannot endure.

The cloth Kamui are made from can be made to heal injuries and wounds; and the tears and spit of a code bearer can be transformed into healing springs. Part of the Op̄tr organic technology is based on incorporating these tissues and organs from code bearers into devices to mass produce things like healing tears, which is the origin of healing springs.

Holy weapons can shapeshift, change size, and can neutralize all psychic abilities on contact, they can also be used to focus the user’s psychic abilities, and are guided by a will of their own; comparable to a dog; meaning they can act independently and return to their user from great distances. Bows can be used to project energy beams able to destroy modern naval warships.


Holy artifacts require a holistic esper and the biomass of someone bearing the code of immortality to manufacture. Kamui’s are made from the hair of a code bearer transmogrified by a holistic esper into thread and woven into cloth, holy weapons require the spine of a code bearer to be transmogrified into the weapon, other artifacts may include teeth, nails, limbs; etc, since code bearers cannot be killed and can regenerate and shapeshift, allowing these items to be produced over and over; it is common for a craftsmen to use his own code to craft with; then pass it down to his best student.

Holistic Espers are espers who cause large scale phenomena to influence the microscopic world, rather than producing microscopic effects and inhibiting their diffusion in order to bring them into the macroscale world. Holistic espers are incredibly rare; and they are unaware of the effects of their powers since those effects are incomprehensible and imperceptible.

Neural Physics

Neurophysical energy is the name for the evanescent photons which compose the fluctlight within cellular microtubules; the quantum field of consciousness. Neural Physics is the name given by humans to Op̄tr science; Op̄tr do not have conventional science because they developed their understanding of the world through their psychic powers.

Neural Physics is the understanding that the phenomena behind psychic powers are not produced uniquely by humans or living things; the opposite of vitalism, but rather these forces exist in nature and act upon the world outside human awareness even if infrequently. Certain places or times all have different qualia associated with them; different points in spacetime are not identical to one another; but have different feelings associated with them.

Neural Physics would be more akin to Alchemy than conventional Science; and heavily relies upon psychic phenomena to produce useful effects; for instance the transmogrification of materials using psychic powers into various forms of exotic matter; such as core, or Op̄tr metal; or the arrangement of machines into magic circles to produce anomalous effects.

Because psionic effects are involved in all their scientific processes; these processes can only be understood through psychoreligious imagery; a spiritual phenomena best understood in alchemical terms. This does not necessarily mean anything spiritual is involved in them; using scientific equipment and a proper analysis of their rituals, it’s entirely possible to replicate their invocations using machinery alone.

Op̄tr kamui, weapons and tools are all produced via neurophysical means, though often through a machine rather than genuine holistic esper; and many of their machines are arranged into overly magical configurations; circuit diagrams with arcane and scientific symbols; which produce mechanical devices which are arranged into magic circles and decorated with; scientific, mathematical, and quantum notation which somehow aid their functions. These are machines developed entirely under the concept of neural-physics; others, such as sealing pillars; are endowed with a soul or parts of one.

Hex Glyphs

Sealing glyphs are complex square glyphs, resembling fingerprints, with esoteric properties similar to psionics but unrelated to magic or the extended mind. These glyphs, in various combinations and formulas, are used on rods (called sealing pillars), containment vessels, floors and walls; and on paper talismans.

Sealing glyphs act to manifest the effects of the higher world, with its extra degrees of freedom, into the lower world, to produce supernatural effects unrelated to magic and psionics; but able to easily match them. They can do this via sympathy with a series of glyphs which have been inscribed onto Golgotha; the moon the Op̄tr have built in the higher world.

Evolution of Bear

 This are all the various forms of my Self Insert from 2012 on - robot; shadow, marshmallow, fat, with hair, actually fat, then white cartoon, various rainbow and alien cartoons, shadow cartoon, angel bear, then finally what he is now, a moon person... These aren't in order...

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Current Goals

My current art goals are;
redo and reboot all my OC's character profiles with a 550ish word maximum

I want to finish off giving all my OCs unique faces

I want to redo all their body hair to match Klein and Nameless hunk; with the curves and fills and scrubbles

I also want to finish drawing some of my new OCs; some who go along with Klein and others just cool dudes from anime I wanted to add to my verse

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Rotating Techicolor Earth WIP

Techniverse Earth; Strangereal MK2, I used a map for ace combat as the base and painted over it...

Afro-euroaustralasia’s history is still recognizable compared to IRL; however most of these nations fell to the wayside during the second millennium, and most of their great monuments exist in their counterpart instead. Under the roman empire; Hungarians and Austrians colonize hesperia; where they where they found the japanese and koreans, the daughter culture’s of an alternate china stretching all the way to the black sea as a neighbor to the byzantine empire. The Romans themselves managed to spread as far north as southern hyperborea.

Though arranged radically differently than our Earth, techniverse earth has every nation and culture found IRL; often behaving in unexpected and surprising ways and at unexpected times. Afro-euroaustralasia’s history is still recognizable compared to IRL; however most of these nations fell to the wayside during the second millennium, and most of their great monuments exist in their counterpart instead.

During the roman age; Hungarians and Austrians colonize hesperia; where they where they found the japanese and koreans, the daughter culture’s of an alternate china which stretching all the way to the black sea by the time of the byzantine empire. Rome itself has spread as far as south Hyperborea; building a great new capital there when the original Rome is eventually burned.

The birth of Jesus in the middle east turned BD into ND 2,000 years ago; and with the split of the roman empire, the hyperborean rome would later become the seat of the catholic church as the Holy See; and many jews immigrate into hyperborean italy, forming a large number of warring tribes within the country that leave it open to invasion by outsiders.

During the middle ages, the Europeans first colonize the americas; the vikings establish colonies in northeastern germany and FATO, while the english, spanish, dutch, and polish, took the eastern and southeastern regions; the native resistance in south america and the mainland is too great and europeans remain separated by natural barriers of mountains, finding the prospect of war with the natives to be too much a risk.

The Chinese invented the first guns in the 10th century, using them to conquer most of eurasia; all the way to the black sea; existing alongside the byzantine empire, before corruption and greed drove the empire to ruin with a coup by the military; local cultures re-exert themselves now that reinforcements will not be coming; and the dynasty of generals begins in china.

In the 12th century; teutonic knights; of the holy roman empire, a nation spanning all of eastern america, rose to power within what would be south germany; and in the 13th century they began building castles there, meanwhile indonesian traders have charted much of the indian ocean and began trading with the australian aborigines and mulsim africans.

During the late middle ages; the Austro-Hungarian kingdoms in Hesperia were displaced by the polish, french, english, spanish, portuguese, and british. The Spanish hesperians never unify under a single kingdom until forming a military alliance across east hesperia to fight communism in the 1960s.

By the 15th century; the northern spanish kingdoms in hesperia; along the tundra, have been converted to islam; existing alongside the ununified christian spanish kingdoms, and austria-hungary to the south, korea and japan to the east, and poland to the west.

In 1410, the Japanese made the first crossing into Eurasia, and soon sent yearly trading expeditions, however, they did not stay when the pope closed the catholic ports to the heretical Indonesian traders. In 1495; Christopher Columbus crossed the Eursperian Sea to Hesperia, where he was unable to make landfall in Korea or Japan, but did so in the north; the British Isles; an event that eventually gives its name to London DC.

In the early 1500s, the spanish in hesperia begin exploring the gulf of mexico, and south america, gaining great riches in the process, the english, french, and portuguese, soon follow, carving up the ‘new world’ into various european colonies. By 1510 Japan and Korea had closed borders to prevent conquest by the christians; being Buddhist and Shinto; Japan withdrew its trade expeditions and abandoned the vast trading empire it had built across the Eursparian and Pacific Oceans.

The Sixteenth Century sees what were once colonies of European powers turning the tables on their creators and beginning the colonize Eurasia and the americas. American Spain, Denmark, and England, along with European France, begin their colonizing period; with the English colonizing along the western shores of the strait between Spain and frontier America, which connects the great lakes region to the gulf of mexico. Hyperborean Italy focuses on colonizing Africa, while European France spreads as far as the americas.

Hyperborean Italy gives birth to Da Vinchi and the renaissance; and the great painters decorate the great cathedrals of hyperborea, hesperia, and old world america; a Jewish King, David, manages to unify the warring tribes of italy by the end of the 15th century, and give birth to the first modern republic on Earth.

The European French and Portuguese, and American Spanish colonize South America in turn; the Spanish turn Mexico into a tributary state within their Empire as the conquestadors murder vast swaths of people in south america; declaring them Anarchists; the Spanish Empire is unable to stop them even after gathering and sending multiple armies to do so.

The New England colonies, backed by France, eventually declare independence from the crown, becoming the United States of America; the last, 14th colony, on the northern shores of America, remains loyal as Canada. The revolutionary war, backed by France, was won in 1792, and the United States of America was established as the first modern democracy in the world.

Sparked by the American independence, Europe sees a wave of populist uprisings, which transform the majority of europe into a federal union of the various counties, though they kill napoleon thinking he would become a tyrant, this union trashes christian symbols and, as the first atheist country on earth, quickly scumbs and becomes the Islamic European Union; boarded by the soviet union and later Eastern Europe.

In 1821, America opens the Japanese empire, in self-imposed isolation since 1510 to prevent conquest by the europeans, triggering the Meiji Restoration, allowing the Samurai to be incorporated into new Imperial system instead of being brutally persecuted by it, and the Samurai help Japan induralize, with the Chinese reopening the silk road with Britain in an attempt to get allies against the increasingly aggressive japanese.

The birth of quantum mechanics happened in the 1860s from the study of blackbody radiation and the dual particle-wave properties of light. In 1905 airplanes were first used in war, between Germany and America, over American territorial expansion with their Air Force, the Germans had the deceive advantage, and other powers soon scrambled to create their own. This war established limits to America’s expansion and formally defined the territory of Canada and mexico.

After losing the great war, American politics nose dives, and in 1910, America began a devastating civil war between the Federalists and the Republicans; it was won by the Federalists in 1916, the use of airplanes and new technologies with old tactics causes a devastating loss of life, and everyone loses as the Federal Government asserts its authority over the rights of the states.

In the 19th century, slowly the assembly line revolutionized manufacturing, and the horseless carriage began to dominate by as early as 1910; though horse and buggy were still common. In the 1860s, as quantum mechanics was developed as a distinct discipline to explain wave-particle duality, religious freedom ingrained into the modern constitutions of most of Hyperborea and America, result in a push for secularism in politics and science, eventually developing the modern "atheistic" concept of materialistic science as distinct from religion seen in the 20th century.

Growing fearful at the explosive advancement of the Japanese Empire, Qing China opens up its borders to trade with the Europeans for the first time in centuries, reopening the silk road, hoping to gain allies against the increasingly aggressive Japanese, spreading the industrial revolution throughout East Asia via globalized trade, equalizing both powers.

In 1937 the theory behind nuclear power was developed, prompting the Americans, Germans, and Soviets to begin researching nuclear technology in order to create a powerful new weapon; which the Germans did in 1942; with the other superpowers scrambling to create their own nuclear arsenals. The cold war begins with tensions between the competing Soviet and US nuclear programs.

In 1956, Qing China split into the comunist North China and the democratic South China; and the the space race begins, when in 1958, the Soviet Union launches the first artificial satellite, carrying the first human, into earth orbit, the United States rushes to launch its own satellite, later launching the unmanned Gorge Washington from an air force base.

In the 60s; a manned space lab discovered a room temperature superconductor; easy to make, but only possible in freefall; the pace of space exploration increases dramatically and nations like the United States become evangelically green and emissions free; using the superconductor to replace gas engines and nuclear plants to replace coal fire plants.

In 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed, allowing the colonization of up to 10% of the landmass so long as the colonies maintained a minimal environmental footprint, along with limited resource extraction under strict environmental conditions to offset any damage. Strict quotas on resources and colonists are used to prevent land grabs, the treaty is overseen by an international organization made up of all concerned parties: The United Nations Organization for Regulating Colonization of Antarctica (UNORCA).

Suffering from an economic crisis since the 50s; hyperinflation due to poor economic policies; the Weimar republic is taken over by the National Socialists; in 1965; Germany began a war of aggression against both the USA and the former territories lost to the crisis. Paralleling the real second world war. The Nazis attempt to use 7 nuclear bombs to stall the d-day invasion through america, killing 255,000 german soliders and citizens. Whe war ends with western germany being occupied by and annexed by America, despite the Nazis attempts to prevent the allies from occupying their territoy using nuclear stirkes and radiation.

The German War's impact on the world was powerful and long-lasting. The USSR came to aid the American Federation during the war, which began a path of reconciliation to end the Cold War witht he Soviet Economic Reforms and resulting Populist uprisings in 1983-1986. The nuclear attacks immediately triggered non-proliferation efforts worldwide.

The collapse of modern governments, caused by corruption and complacency, begins in the late 70s to 80s causes corporations to step in to maintain vital infrastructure and services, in return for appeasing the political powers, major corporations are granted illegal monopolies, invasion of privacy, illegal immigrant workers, and tax evasion, along with free government money; this marriage of corporate and political power made the third world war not just possible, but inevitable, and led to the civil wars that broke apart even strong nations like the United States.

As this marriage of political and corporate power causes a decline in the quality of life on Earth; a result of rampant climate change and social instability, the rich begin departing earth for orbital settlements and colonies aboard space stations; the so-called Islands, built by telepresence from materials sent into space via the lunar mass driver; when the USA completes its mass driver, this process only accelerates.

1970s through 1990s, key breakthroughs in genetic research; comprehensive phenotype expression models allow the consequences of gene mods to be accurately predicted; real genetic engineering provides many industrial and commercial benefits; including newer, stronger, faster growing crop strains, among the first breakthroughs made; the development of biocomputers in 1997, alongside research into self-building circuitry, cold refining, practical thermonuclear fusion; all which allows the world to recover almost immediately from the 3rd world war.

The Third World War was a limited but global nuclear and conventional conflict which began in 1999 with an escalation of UN peacekeeping actions in the Baltics; attempting to suppress a comunist uprising by the terrorist ‘Baltic People’s Army”, consisting of both US backed European forces and the Russians; resulting in a series of nuclear strikes across Asia. The use of nuclear weapons was thankfully limited; though the Europeans and Chinese exhausted their nuclear arsenals, the Russians and Americans held back.

The United States and China were worst hit by nuclear weapons; even though both were not directly involved in the original escalation, though nuclear exchanges occurred within the Asian and European theaters, the city of Berlin was destroyed, along with Tokyo. Ending in 2002, the conflict primarily involved wealthy and powerful developed countries whose destruction fundamentally changed the global balance of power, breaking long established national boundaries and concentrations of populations.

As a result of the war, global geopolitics became heavily balkanized, with even the United States breaking apart during the second American civil war in 2015 into smaller, less stable competitors; civil wars and non state revolutions pose a constant security threat worldwide, and millions of refugees displaced by the global tumult are a major international problem. Tokyo, Sendai and Niigata, among others, along with Berlin, Okinawa, and Beijing are struck by tactical nuclear weapons during the nuclear volly, Grays Harbor, Yakima, Anacortes, Fort Worth, New York, in the United States are destroyed, the seat of Japanese government is temporarily transferred to Niihama before permanent relocation to Fukuoka, Kyūshū.

The Middle East, relatively unscathed from the Nuclear Third World War, becomes embroiled in warfare that collapses Egypt, and leads to Saudi Arabia taking over most of the Arabian Peninsula, Iran loses much territory to a radical new Islamic sect, which continues to evangelize and brutalize the region as it attempts to expand its conquests. Many population centers are broken with the collapse of industrial infrastructure globally, forcing the population into new areas.

The third world war quickly developed into a widespread humanitarian crisis by breaking long established borders and centers of population displaced millions of refugees; leading to decades worth of political instability that ultimately resulted in the second American civil war and a fourth world war. The devastation caused an instant collapse of international stability and placed the global economy into a state of chaos, especially within America and China, which were worst hit by the war; despite neither being part of the initial conflict; ultimately leading the the Second American Civil war and formation of Imperial Americana and a decade later, a second Chinese war that saw North and South China reunify into a single nation.

As a testament to man’s resilience and ingenuity, and the mastery of science and technology, mankind was able to restore a sense of normalcy within a decade of the third world war, however, many of the survivors are left with lingering emotional and psychological scars from the chaos and are left with a sense of going through the motions as the world remaining myered in conflict, economic collapse, and civil war.

The technologies developed in the 70s through the 90s; key breakthroughs in genetic, stem cell, and cloning research; comprehensive phenotype expression models allow the consequences of gene mods to be accurately predicted; real genetic engineering provides many industrial and commercial benefits; including newer, stronger, faster growing crop strains, among the first breakthroughs made; the development of biocomputers in 1997, alongside research into self-building circuitry, cold refining, practical cold fusion allows fields to be lit 24/7 for grains that never stop growing.

Real genetic engineering, stem cells, cloning, self-assembling circuits, cold refining, become the basis of the global reconstruction efforts; creating a sharp contrast between the technologies from before the war to after it; holographic displays in homes and clothing, automated manufacturing, suborbital space flights, bionic limbs, cloned organs and limbs; cybernetics saving the lives of these injured by the war.

In 1998 the first organic supercomputer system, a giant force grown brain attached to complex life support systems was developed alongside the growth-type neurochips, which would become the basis of robotic and AI design, as well as the eventual creation of brain computer interfaces, in 2007, Europia Universe was able to create and replicate an artificial gravity pulse. Commercial space flight was introduced through Pan AM in 2001.

Korea successfully cloned 30 human embryos in 2004, leading to cloned organs and limbs; with bionics able to replicate the sensation of touch developed alongside; in 2005, the United States announced a possible cure for HIV; and in 2008 two bionic eyes were transplanted into two previously blind patients. better medicine, even better gene therapies, better surgical procedures, cloned organs providing virtually non-existent organ rejection, and more sophisticated equipment, blood vessel cleanses, extending the human lifespan to its maximum potential of 120 years, though it remains expensive and only accessible to the well off, with the less fortunate are lucky to live 60 to 70 years.

The use of genetic engineering on farms reduces hunger, at the same time micromachine based drug deliveries are curing diseases globally. When socalars talk about the age-old legends of the Philosopher’s Stone or the Fountain of Youth, they all agree mankind found it. Consumer access to micromachines changes the world forever. Many diseases are rendered extinct with time thanks to more advanced medicine.

By the 2000s, the rich; the investor, executive, and managerial class, have left earth and moved into orbit; to orbital colonies, first in low earth orbit then the Lagrange Points; the push for the rich to get away from earth drives space exploration; driving the construction of the international lunar mass driver in the late 70s, and the USA’s own mass driver on earth. Meanwhile the first human walks on Mars in 2024, a manned mission to Jupiter in 2026, with the first Mars colony planned in 2032.

In 2008, social media is developed as second life and augmented reality social media platforms, where people can create avatars to work, communicate, play sports, and/or fight with each other, businesses can also be conducted through these platforms, billed as a life you can control, not the same as VR, this technology makes extensive use of augmented reality.

Telecommuting, augmented reality, drones, and automation allow most employees to work from home using a headset and computer while those who don’t have the skills to work in an office or the service industry, or to make a living off their own abilities, are left working on factory farms, ones lit 24/7, for grains should never stop growing, and meats made by compiling cells in a 3d printer or grown artificially in vats of nutrient cultures that never stop bubbling.

Post-war technologies like holographic displays in homes and clothing, automated manufacturing, suborbital space flights, bionic limbs, cloned organs and limbs; cybernetics saving the lives of these injured by the war; robotic warfare, neural interface headsets, ais, nuclear fusion became commonplace as the reconstruction efforts rebuild the cities and towns, their advancement creating a sharp contrast between the magnetic tape decks, flat screens, keyboards, mobile phones, and laptops created before the war, and preserved long after; creating the used future feel many of the people who lived through the war experience.

As early as 2009 cybernetics and nanotechnological systems were used as lifesaving treatments for extreme injuries and illnesses which cannot be treated in any other way – and by the rich to extend their lives. These systems are bulky and extend well outside the body, making them uncomfortable and unmistakable, comparable to wheelchairs of the past.

Brain computer interfaces are developed to control machines using neural synchronization; these neural interfaces were perfected between 2005 and 2010 as part of the process of creating personality transplant OS; a form of AI created by cognitive impression modeling, which is installed on dozens of organic supercomputers globally after its completion on 2010; the result is the first brain-implant chip; these early models require antennas externally, to communicate with computers.

In 2013, the first “full dive” Virtual Reality rig; a wearable helmet, based on information from the Brain Implant Chip and personality transplant OS was released onto the market as a wild success, earlier interfaces were based on direct neural implants with antennas extending outside the body; the precursors to the brain implant chip. In 2014, a streamlined package of core programs for creating and managing a virtual reality were posted to a public server, a massive explosion of virtual worlds began in turn.

Also in 2014; the prototype fourth generation VR device, a huge industrial machine, called the Soul Translator, tests quantum brain theory; identifying the Nambu–Goldstone bosons persisted by the theory as evanescent photons within the microtubules of nerve cells; subject to the uncertainty principle these particles fluctuate according to probability theory, a collection of these particles constitutes a quantum field comprising human consciousness; the human soul.

AI technology; the personality transplant, assists in making many breakthroughs in research; AI technology allows practical thermonuclear fusion by dynamically countering leaks as they arise rather than continuing to work on the impossible idea of one design that counters all problems, electricity, internet, and freshwater become ubiquitous globally during the post-war reconstruction, famine and even food quality no longer an issue globally with vat grown meat and new crop strains.

Molecular manufacturing with genomically modified bacteria allowed the development of E-Carbon in the 2010s, an artificial allotrope of carbon which has a bulk strength dozens of times that of carbon nanotubes. In 2014 the Stolleta Solar Array was released onto the market, quickly becoming a best-selling product, meeting over half the energy needs of human civilization by 2030. Fully-articulating, in-orbit solar arrays deliver uninterrupted, constantly renewable power, using a thin film polymer with polycrystalline silicon distribution. These arrays are prefered by world governments due to the flexible power delivery scheme, transmitting power back via microwave beam in the post-occupation world.

2015, self-assembling circuitry and quantum dots used to commercialize holograms; which have seen extensive military use prior, by 2020s these are the most common display medium in the world, hard light replaces tactile input like mouses and keyboards. Holo houses created by using quantum dots inside paint which link up with self-assembled circuitry to allow the layering of virtual images over physical substructures; no more difficult than painting something to dyeing fabric, becomes common.

By 2015 robotic AI controlled soldiers; think tanks, and drones are the foundation of modern warfare. Artificial gravity created by superconductors used in military aerospace technologies, allowing aircraft that would otherwise be impossible. By 2016, construction of giant low orbital aircraft Arkbird - begins; capable of flight using superconductor generated antigravity when sufficiently powered, the first model was stolen in 2019, still in an incomplete state.

The global internet, drones, rapid prototyping and other advances allow talented or skilled individuals to make a living selling what they're good at online; thanks to universal access to the internet there is always someone willing and able to buy what you're selling. AIs, robotics, the growth-neurochip and stacked quantum pattern boards revolutized computers and business, while holograms changed the face of both entertainment and whole cities.

The second American civil war occurs in 2015; lasting for several months with little actual combat, with the veterans and majority of the defense industry take control of the great plains and southern states, while the political establishment enters into an alliance with russia in order to deter the newly formed American Empire, the rump state, the USA consists of only a handful of northern and rocky mountain states with little industry or population, which maintains itself only by playing its two successors against one another, as a buffer state.

Cargo ships equipped with anti gravity technology fly over the oceans and landscape to land in fields with enough flat land; making long distance rail and semi travel obsolete, and cause economic depressions among the port cities now that they are no longer needed for global trade.

In 2019, continued refinements in bionic augmentation results in even the more extreme applications finally meeting industry and safety standards. Followed by a collapse in costs that rendered many technologies accessible to the mainstream public for the first time; Virtual intelligence software also now allows the real time modeling of the consequences of genetic engineering, before these technologies were used only in a medical setting, but now become available to hobbyists and consumers as an everyday body augmentation like pierced ears or tattoos.

Bionic eyes are a common replacement for glasses for the middle class and rich; though too expensive for the working poor. Nanite infusion of hard metals into bone or lacing long-strand high-strength polymers into ligaments and connective tissues becomes possible.

Organ replacement becomes common; any organ except the brain can be upgraded and replaced, either with simple bionic substitutes, cloned organs or limbs in the case of organ failure or accidental loss. Through the synthesis of bionics, micromachines, and genomics, additional organs; such as a replacement to the digestive system designed to handle foods humans cannot normally eat; for instance cellulose for vegans, or gills for swimmers. Extra arms, legs, eyes, or even genitals are possible though the brain rarely knows how to operate them.

Bootleg copies of personality transplant OS also start appearing around 2019 using VR rigs to model a personality into a stack of VI platforms and then patching them with an augmented reality management system to create a digital copy of a person’s personality as an AI, leading to a massive proliferation of AIs across the net in the 2020s. 

Ais do not bring about the long hoped for labor revolution; human minds, like human bodies, are inefficient and error prone because they can do anything, whereas a VI or robot is specialized for a specific task which it can perform infinitely better than a human; this remains true of Sapient AIs too, whose only advantage is ability to accelerate their thinking and alter states of perception to make work less boring. 

Post-war, more and more of the population concentrates into the major cities as overcrowding amid rising unemployment, perpetual racial and class conflicts, and the major nations play-acting at war, but taking real lives, to keep their economies from collapsing while the rich get richer. 

First human walks on Mars in 2024, a manned mission to Jupiter in 2026, with the first Mars colony planned in 2032. 2024; the Second Chinese War, which results in China reunifying under the southern government and entering a state of bitter cold war with the American Empire Also in 2024; With VI technology allowing real time modeling of the consequences of genetic engineering results in an explosion of genomic technologies, and hobbyist modifications.

2022 Quantum entanglement based neural synchronization for augmented reality developed, installed into bracelets called coils; which replace cell phones, and when worn around the head, provide full dive VR. In 2025, the Anti-Gravity Chamber was developed, to nullify the Earth’s gravitational field, creating zero-gravity conditions within a limited volume, which speeds up the recovery process.

Robotic ‘Autodoctors’; nanosurgical 3d printing system equipped with VI medical databases; with the ability to wirelessly send instructions to flawlessly perform complicated surgical procedures without a doctor being involved; clinical trials under the supervision of medical professionals occurs in the late 2010s, with the technology becoming available for sale in the 2020s, a life saver in the many rural communities with self-taught medical staff.

The machine can diagnose illnesses as well; life saving in small towns and rural areas without properly trained medical staff; these are common in small towns by 2025-2028, Automated manufacturing; the autofabs, an industrial appliance able to make most anything begins to appear in the commercial sector.

2020s; the Autofab is developed, large and inefficient, but followed by ever more efficient designs until becoming an industrial appliance like any other; about the size of a cargo container, and arranged into huge factory complexes to sastesy demand; huge 3d sprawl of specialized units in all shapes and sizes with dense networks of conveyors, utility lines, and conventional assembly lines for component transport and assembly. Buying things from these complexes is no more complicated than placing an order at the nearest mall or online catalog, with the finished product delivered by mail from the nearest fabrication licensed to produce the item, many malls have a few units in back to keep up inventory.

Templates sold on the net, either by corporations or created as customs by individuals can be made at local industrial centers at only a small cost of time and material as well as small licensing fees, payment by instant electronic transaction. Special fabricators to produce products in situ for infrastructure like bridges, buildings, and other fixed constructs, which arrive in cases and then spread around on a robotic truss for assembly, becomes common.

By 2026; Earth’s underfunded governments are becoming unable to keep enough police on the streets to do anything about the crime rate; which breaks new records every year, with major corporations stepping in with private security forces, while the planet’s populations are divided along racial and class lines into different groups struggling against one another. Civil wars still pose a threat to global security worldwide, non-state revolutions, terrorism are facts of daily life everywhere.

NSFW Drabble - First Time

Onion had been in the gas station for a slurpee, banana flavored; he’d caught the short chubby kid staring at his arms; the muscles and veins, as they flexed, Sour Cream liked his face and ass; not to mention he was the first Op̄tr he’d seen in the wild. He’d walked up behind the teddy bear and cupped his ass; one thing led to another, after some chatting at checkout, he’d put up the ‘just a moment’ sign at the register and taken Onion back to his place; when he found out Onion was a virgin; he couldn't wipe the wicked grin off his face as he asked if Onion was gonna be a good boy for the man who was going to pop his cherry.

He’d licked his lips and gulped and blushed as Sour undressed; even admitted he would have really enjoyed it if Sour had taken him to the bathroom to rail him there. But in the privacy of Sour's apartment; he was able to get Onion to worship him, Onion nibbled and slobbered over his dick, working the base with his hands like a pro; that after he had savored the taste of the wet spot on Sour's underwear. Sour had tested him by face fucking just to make sure he could take what he was about to be given.

After asking for consent and if he wanted to ride or be fucked, with Onion cutely replying be fucked only to end up with a mouth full of Sour's tongue; he pushed him face first onto his bed, and rubbed his hole, made him beg for it; then eased his way into the hot tightness.

Onion had responded like a pro, begging like a bitch in heat; he’d been careful the first few thrusts but eventually lost himself; despite being a virgin Onion simply begged harder; all while breathing heavily and begging for more incoherently. It was hot. When he’d finally cum, breeding Onion; who milked him for every last drop, he was leaning into Onion's ear telling him to scream because he was Sour's now.

And despite all that, Onion had come back; he even tried to make conversation about Sour's video game and anime collection, they both loved sci fi, big robots, anime, manga, fantasy, Onion never drank beer with him, and despite not smoking he didn’t have issues with Sour doing some mild drugs around him. He always begged and demanded more; and Sour fell for him; he didn’t think he would since he was straight and Onion was gay, but soon they were spending most of Sour waking non-work hours together and texting while Sour worked.

When Onion turned 18 and was emancipated after the start of their affair; Sour had asked him to move in and he’d said yes; they had sex all night, six condoms, one bottle of lube; and Sour had woken up to Onion making him extra jucy eggs and bacon; that was when he realized the boy was a keeper.

Vent = Op̄tr Hunk

He's based on Kinro from Dr. Stone; one of the five anime voices I can actually remember (the other being Klein, Vincent from Catherine, Space Dandy, and Law), I made him to be a throuple with my OC and the guy I based on Klein.

His Name is Vbt II Lñg series, (Vent-2 Ling Series)

A bastardized Op̄tr, a muscular man standing 5’10⅞, bwn/yte; ⛢, sino; bowl cut; emerald ◉s’ w/lock b/t; scowl f/nearsight; insomnia; thic thighs/calves; ripple abs. Fashioned; dress jacket/ hoodie, blq skinny jeans, orange belt w/dress shoes.

Velvet; stoic ♍︎al; despising cheats. He’s loyal; pure a/easily manip/; stuck at 16 y/o; ⎉ u/l peck. He’d work to death if nobody stopped him, even w/injuries. He tries t/b calm a/aware, b/naive a/b street life. Img-clr gold ♁.

Prideful, plays fear as caution. Sentimental; b/cing attached; cry 1/tear only w/lip, a/oft’ annoyed at having to take over for co/w; nags Äb; becomes excited w/eased workload, f/cars too; refit his eva i/t irregular w/Op̄tr tech.

He was created by Nerv on July 9, ‘01; made in a batch of 100s; o/scrapped as failures w/t tested badly. He escaped w/his Eva during the Nerv-Civil War ‘16, at only 14; already having an airforce captaincy. This leaves him unable to relax a/awkward; tense w/idle; combats’ DnD f/h. He l/bad food; n/h good.

Vɓt left the lab at 4, but nobody noticed his results; just w/a family a/t be praised f/h excellence; he loves a/needs Äb’s idolization; e/i he gets scolded too.

Äb’s fey ASMIRs for Vɓt. Fvđ aggressed him, asking him to come a/hop in bed w/Äb while he watched; leading t/ir OTP turn OT3. A dutiful husbando to Äb waifu; a/t Fvđ. S/o p/t ful Äb/Fvđ; S/s; arm/u Äb.

Ass eating ↑s’  b/n toys; he’s ♍︎al b/fat, 6½" uncut+ snear; he loves Äb’s handies a/praise in bed e/t’s flustered to reply; loves ffs’ Äb’s f/b c/s holes. Vɓt relies Äb’s clear a/ Fvđ’s g/w t/flow; Vɓt spends free time hiking w/h bf/s. He l/Äb’s †dress/play; ♍︎/a dirty dancing tho.

Streaming w/Äb, thumbs thru some of Fvđ’s mangas; not i/t games. He’s bachelor; s/w put t/g; needs s/o to laundry; a/keep f/instant every night; Äb cares f/him. Work p/t security; Lunette. Vɓt loves Äb’s cuisine; Op̄tr; fav’s d/f nad’ bombs. Vɓt’s wicker return ⚴ a/virtue ⛨ in dungeons; b b/o hard lite.

Not impressed by ‘magic’, knowing o/t science behind it. His Cd/s g/h 7cs i/m life; e/y; a/ ESP+T/EMP. Fvđ’s katana t/h back+ Äb’s stand laser ⦇. Phones’ arcade/gotchas; Fvđ VRs a/Äb’s PheNES.

Amazing stamina; beatings f/a man twice his size won’t stop his counterattack; even f/behind extremely proficient w/his ⚴ a/⛨; a/can efficiently use a sword. Agile a/acrobatic; c/ v/jump 8’; b/loves Äb’s soft tum’ a/a pillow; a/relaxing s/i tub w/Äb+ Fvđ.

Reboot (Parasyte) Mitsuo

A rebooted Mitsuo; I'm rebuilding him based on the source material (some role plays with my friend, and the hot street thug from parasyte), I used the parasyte reference to work out how tall he should be; 177 centimeters or 5'9.5", and to differentiate him from Skull Mitsuo, I decided to give him the original sources Skinny Jeans and Dress Shoes

Standing 5’9.5” or 177 centimeters tall; Mitsuo Nagakawa has long brown hair and stubble on his chin; thick pubic hair with a trail running up his defined stomach to his two pack, small amounts of chest and leg hair. Half-Japanese on his father’s side; he usually wears a two-tone designer hoodie with red bottom and black on top and the arms; along with skinny jeans and dress shoes, as well as his signature skullcap.

Born september 15th 2001, he has eye bags from his chronic insomnia. As a street fighter; he’s playfully cocky and brash; very agile, adding high kicks and twists for added flare; he’s able to take a beating and keep on fighting. Mitsuo is easily aggravated and quick to start fights, he runs his van gang with three subordinates, but his gang answers to another boss and his two henchmen.

Often quietly amused by Anep’s antics, he isn’t afraid to call him out for being annoying; but sure to follow up with affection to make sure Anep feels loved. Even with the disrespect among friends, and degradation in bed; Mitsuo is a wonderful boyfriend; making Anep kawasaki roses whenever he’s upset; and helping Anep work through stress that he confuses for anger. 

Despite his quick temper, he is very charismatic, having several friends he can call on for favors even outside his usual circle. Mitsuo’s van gang are well known around Rachel; delinquents who bully people for money, fight each other, and graffiti places. Still, Mitsuo does good business as the only computer repair technician in town; and his skills in business and programming let him do every tech job in town for a generous fee.

Mitsuo is a thug, neglecting his actual life for the street, and spending his little salary on cheap beer, drugs, and condoms, he needs Anep to keep from living like a bachelor; eating more than improvised leftovers; and cleaning up after him, doing his laundry. Mitsuo may be vulgar about it; but he knows he lucked out with his little hubswife.

Pistachio ice cream is his favorite, and he prefers Rice Liqueur.A stoner street thug, often an asshole or stoner douche, behaving like a frat boy and swearing like a sailor; but knowing how to behave, fitting in at the country club when needed; he walks with a laid black slouch and confident but phlegmatic swagger. He smokes weed, occasionally drinks, rarely mush, and even more rarely LSD or Opium.

Mitsuo’s dick is average; but it's nice, fat, juicy, uncut; and curved perfectly for Anep. Making dorky faces; Mitsuo fucks like a rabbit; always with a silly expression, even when Anep climbs on top of his six and a half incer, he teases and pushes boundaries while Anep shudders and shakes.

Though calling himself straight, he doesn’t care about gender, he has a thing for nerdy guys, because they are easy to push around, and shy girls because they are usually big sluts; he hasn’t bothered keeping track of how many sexual partners, including blowjobs, since the number passed 30, most were hookups, and includes one husband and wife duo.

Mitsuo greatly enjoys his relationship with Anep, based on physical intimacy and shared activities and hobbies; rather than emotions; and relies on Anep’s clear communication; he loves to agress Anep in public; feeling his boyfriend up.