Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Technicolor World Map Update

I finally got some islands added to the north pole! Made some other revisions, mainly speperating things into layers, also the displaced new world was totally redrawn, instead of making the changes, then moving a flat copy, I moved the base map new world over along with the changes, which makes it easier to edit and shrinks the master file size...

Monday, January 11, 2021

Bear's Wings and Halo (EOE)

These are sort of like fleshy insect wings, cool huh? Based on Lilith in EOE

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

An Angel - Traditional Art Inspired

This took 4.5 hours from concept art in inkscape to full render, not the least bit because the graident in the wings took more than 30 seconds for every single edit, and the halo more than a minuet and a half. These are the so called elegant version, based on traditional mythology, the way Angels were depicted in old art, these aren't, sadly, Bear's actual wings and halo, just a concept, it would be too complicated to draw these repeatedly and it leaves little options for other Insanon...

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The White Moon

The Technicolor Moon, the alternate Earth's compainion, from earth the mare appear to place the moon in a permant crescent...