Fvđ II, Tsuboŕ Series (Flade-2 Tsubori Series); obviously based on Klein from SAO; the only guy I liked from the show, and one of the few anime characters whose voice I can remember (the others being Kinro from Dr. Stone, Vincent from Cathrine, Space Dandy, and Law)
A bastardized Op̄tr f/a Nebula AEL lab in germany; assembled; replaceable parts; him too; his angst. He's Fvđ II, 5’9½, born November 28th '96. Yte-bwn; s/s ⛢ like any Op̄tr, w/blu offmod ◉s’; stuck at 16 y/o b/tall. Fvđ left t/ concrete/metal gurney lab at 4 b/i left marks o/h psyche; unfinished tiny home n/w Äb/Vbt.
Fvđ has a hooked nose, a/wears his hair up w/a striped blue bandana around his forehead; chin stubble; warbly; he’s lanky; 2 abs/fur; w/nice arms f/work. Fvđ wears a light blue hoodie w/pushed sleeves; a/❖ on it, skinnies w/a kanji belt; mint sneakers. His i/m cd/s; ⎉ u/ass. Img-clr red/blu ♁.
Over fren/nice; sets mood; overprotective, irritated w/people get i/t deadly situations; b/limited; calls ppl out; a/ s/t makes dark jokes. He b/c excited a/awkward seeing hot girls; a/f t/ir #s.
He works part time at Hello-Hello grocers in Lunette; because Äb lives in, a/ is well known in town, this w/t only place that would hire him w/his ID, a/n fake. S/o a p/t ful; w/Äb’s hand/Vbt + dakimakura.
Ethnically jap, he’s a weeb; but raised by the AEL; a DrEcon at 13, speaking english; learning jap/ger in 2w; tho being f/Germany; loves racist jokes a/slurs in private.
Fvđ’s st8 cuck; nice average perfect ↺s’ 6½"; uncut; s/t uses grape ribbed condoms a/lube i/f, n/b; c/g thru six a/a bottle. Junk food; burned ffs l/a rabbit. After goin’ steady/⚮ t/ve become unable to keep off Äb. L/ffs Äb’s f/b c/s holes.
Considered a skirt chaser; never cared a/b gender; he loves g/ fingered; dorky, he’s better luck w/men; got together w/Äb by aggressing for staring at his arms a/spring, a/later Äb’s crush, inviting Vbt into bed while he watched; b/c an OT3. T/ir b/great husbandos f/ t/ir Äb waifu.
Spends mostly on VR games a/cheap beer; neglecting actual life; he needs Äb to clean a/do laundry a/ i/n embarrassed a/b being taken care of by a 17 y/o. Fvđ lucked out w/Äb a/couldn’t do better. On his days off he fills Äb’s time w/ marathon sex a/weebs. Fvd VRs, Äb plays handheld. 5pcs; 2l/ps; clearLCDs. H/wanders a/r a/l, n/v w/you l/h. Silver flame cd/s.
Fvđ’s well trained a/fights w/spiked beam katana; u/ b/b f/instant KO; breakdance w/⚔play; pragmatist; groin kicks w/n safe t/b hero a/m. Cd/s for i/m life; e/y; +ESP/TP. Trusts Vbt t/h his back i/t dungeons. Enjoys’ phys/inti; n/emote; relies Äb clear/Vbt blunt. Road tripping i/h camper. L/ s/i tub; fun i/shower.