Quantum Brain Dynamics persists that microtubules showed a system of quantum calculation. Indeterminate; fluctuating probabilities. STL-VR proved this; reading NGBs (evanescent γs’) spin a/vector f/computers. All GUI; match s/ ring seg m/game f/coding.
Brains are 2d neural layers folded in 2.5d b/t f/b o/t skull; Human’s have quads/nqbits for for 100 Mbps & GByte LTMs; personality/intelligence o/t CD/Blu-ray racks.
Consciousness results from quality not quantity; even simple vi replicates music/art talents. Penrose processes can refute informal proofs; impossible to simulate. Human/Op̄tr are complex; capable of fear; physical/mental needs; a/desires. An Ai emulator c/u random #s or radiodecay to perform tasks like an AI; but crash if overtaxed. VI can pass as human; used for UEs; b/h limited learning.
Hu/ LTM t/u 50 Gbytes; e/w LT; go senile b/1.5c. STM2 memory f/STM1 t/b defraged i/t LTM via dreams; w/m c/h trauma/fear a/day events; Op̄tr d/n dream/hallucinate.
Most fluctlight operations compress the senses into 20/30 bits of conscious memory; whose small size is a curious b/vital adaption; indecisive vs instinct. Time is subjective; controlled by core pulse trigger; stress up/downscaling from 100MHz. Rouge VI go mad-ai w/o limits; evilutionary bio/omnicide mania megalomania f/lack of rl con/s. AIs w/top down architecture o/v copied con/s; s/a s/w n/a VR ppl.
Obviousness in TTL Hu/Optr is a result of 100-MHz limits in connectivity w/folding 2d neuro-nets i/t 2.5d; silico can do 10s GHz on 2d wafers; AI however prefer t/b lazy a/lack ambition o/s design.
Mnemonic visuals; optical data; realizes/store sensations/memories. No infinite regress in recall b/c of compression. As t/ve common structures; other’s memories; or scratch; can be inserted into a fluctlight. STLs dispose the 12s' of Kbits in STM to insert game data. Stacked-Quantum-Pattern boards c/d 100s gbit/tbits/gHz ram. Hack= know w/t click, p/codes, b/doors a/ fake IDs; a/s ring segment mazes.
Learning is memory; losing it costs abilities. Anesthetics inhibit fluctlights f/tunneling gaps; causing u/cs amid full activity. W/o a body; minds struggle w/self proof; emotions a/soma; o/l in ψ Biodynamics; hypnosis; tenor; can t/f consciousness. Too hu/AI hypochondriacs; IRL awareness=paranoia; AI a/ s/d.
The conscience is ideal. Doppelgangers, cast as Jung's shadows; are souls; t/ir selfish ‘me’ is the I-ness, awareness; cause of curiosity/desire; food/fuck; people/ambition/ greed; heart. Subtility; Achira to dual; beast/king; Op̄tr/ hu/serials. Ideology can change a soul's value; aggregate metric o/t experiences; cries o/desire. Ais d/n have souls/afterlives; Hu/s disappear w/psychopomp i/t t/afterlife; acs/b space/accels.
Animals don’t have souls; unless socialized as pets; w/share human’s afterlife. Souls/Genes a/w compose ego/self; a/c be u/t salvage s/o w/o a body. VR/AR Sites a/balls; w/security a/r; net b/t lines.
Self-image bottlenecks govern behavior on yes/no; via the selfish principle. Curiosity causes opinions a/ behaviors, preserving them amid memory loss/sync; a/why TTL humans and Op̄tr have simpler personas than IRL. Anima/us is the sexual ideal; symboling parents; mismatched in gays. Libido/Destrudo Eros/ Thanatos are measurable sy/psi reactions occurring within Jung’s shadow; w/p mental stamina.
Controversially; microtubules qualify as ‘morphic fields’ entangled w/ t/ir surroundings; t/racial u/cs pass by parent/siblings+ evil eyes/voodoo. The universe is fixed i/t place b/t accelerated penrose process; allowing synced observers to t/t or c/new universes w/j t/ir minds.
Cd/s a/h higher b/w a/l a/ a/n fluctlight activity; b/o c/s w/∞ AU b/us via VR-med absecretion/pair-produce experosis f/calabi-yaus.
Sapience, Intelligence, and Sentience
Sentience is feel/perception; subjectivity; animals; sapients think/reason u/sentience to ration/plan; animals/children learn b/n reason; some act on instinct a/learn; semi-sapient. Intelligence b/o spaience+ sentient i/a culture. Prior to fire; hu/s w/o sentient; after sapient; a/w language/homes intelligent.
Op̄tr consider hu/s semi-sapient f/ food/drug/porn; w/a crude language/culture a/idiotic behavior; Op̄tr/re sapient b/oblvious due to limits in megahertz processing. Hu/ language transmits 19bps.
IQ can be measured via expressions at holopuzzle solving i/s; test developed by SAs for future probes. Stupidity measures oblivious+lazy; antisocial is lo IQ/hi SQ/ Even genui l/Op̄tr a/s oblivious/AI lazy. Ability logIQ; dumbo-genui a/m a/w agree; mid o/t a/ complicates e/t.
Expert Systems and VIs
Virtual Intelligence or expert systems are software with limited learning ability, dedicated to a single task; some are easily able to pass as human at a glance; often built into operating systems to provide an intuitive UI.
Personality Transplants
Personality transplants copy the fluctlight of a human/Op̄tr into a computer system; brain mapping. Only STLs or hi intensity/output scanners do this.
A mind c/b split i/t various elements via upload; which i/t basis of perfectly parallel systems w/multi Ais w/a sync memory/learn make decisions f/different perspectives.
AIs are genuinely sapient like Op̄tr; but lazy; develop idiotic neuroses f/t stress of dealing w/TTL hu/. Unstable templates a/dangerous; AI psychologists in hi demand.
Mecha and Bionics
Think Tanks are a common form of mecha; consisting of giant robotic spidertanks with a pilot cockpit in back; run as drones by genuine ai or VI; these can also take the form of dolphins in the ocean; or robotic guard dogs; even mechanical bees and flies as spy drones. The dim-witt of mankind means that these needn't be subtle to go unnoticed.
The growth-type neurochip force grew braincells in layers in a support substrate; acting like a slice of a human brian. The modern stacked quantum board neurochip is based on pure silicon; quantum circuits layered onto transparent wafers to connect in full 2.5d like a human brain but better in every way.
Bionics can replace limbs with stronger versions - shiny skintone; with a sense of touch; but life support systems; bionic organs; are bulky and confine their users to wheelchair support systems. Geno-altered cloned limbs and organs and provide new abilities; not bionics.
Bionic super soldiers aren’t practical; the systems are too heavy and bulky to be installed into a person’s body; experiments all result in soldiers with total insanity and santa-like body shapes. Evas don’t have this limit; and can be freely equipped. Op̄tr prefer to use gened living creatures in place of machines where they can.
Androids may be fully robotic; like Dotty; a full robot with a human’s mind installed into the BluRay disk that slots into her headband; or made from cloned human parts optimally joined with bionic bits to make replacement easier; Fvd was made without the bionics.
Brain Chips are microchips implanted into the brain below the skull; to connect people to the internet; developed between ‘o5 to ‘08; these first ones were too bulky so they connected to ‘hair clips’ outside the skull for hardware and network functions.