Friday, February 8, 2019


Mac Skull, born in 2037 in Imperial Americana, honorably discharged 2060 - Gay - wears inappropriately adult themed cutoff tee-shirts constantly. He is Hunter's legal guardian, he works double shifts on the factory farm to support himself and Hunter inside their cargo container of a home out in the chaotic older occupation era homes; though this RV is fully outfitted for the two men’s various hobbies and predilections, there are far far to many weapons, rounds of ammunition, and alcohol for anybody at the local tower to feel reasonably safe, however, responsible gun ownership is the rule of their home. The two confirmed bachelors are so bad at cleaning and daily home maintenance that it’s totally worth it to pay Anep to come clean for them.

Dean Shinwoo is of average height - 5'10.5", big shoulders, powerful chest, and rippling muscle, he had long hair always sticking upward in a wavy mess, his naturally light brown hair is dyed blond on the top of his head, combined with the green bandana he always has wrapped around his forehead, makes it look like, from the front, he has two totally distinct hair colors, blond on top, and all brown on the bottom. He has thick brown eyebrows, bright cyan eyes that are always half-lidded, and wrinkles give him permanent bags under his eyes. Dean doesn't look lazy though, his eyes are always bright, and his smile full of genuine merriment and cheer, though always with a hint of danger. He wears his dog tags around his neck, and his white wife beater has the shoulder area totally ripped and torn, he always wears pants evocative of a baggy military uniform and big belt, with his shirt tucked loosely in, and giant black combat boots.

Dean Shinwoo joined the military when he was 16 out of a very dumb sense of patriotism, he completed his training and was deployed to one of the endless peacekeeping wars that ravage the world. He had been rewarded for good work with a basic super soldier enhancement, his reflexes are extremely fast, his perceptions and situational awareness increased via drugs, his stamina heightened to the point he could go for two weeks without sleep as long as he got minimal rest during that time. He was deployed to war after war, he spent 15 years in the service before being hospitalized for a severe injury, which eventually resulted in his honorable discharge, the field treatments weren't good enough to fix a basically destroyed respiratory system, and the military washed their hands of him.

Disillusioned from the military and big money interests, he drifted all across America and Pangaea and always looking for something to believe in, he found Hunter, another victim of the military grooming its youth to fight on its behalf in the endless wars to sustain the global economy; eventually settling down in Seattle with Hunter, forming a group of ex-military and military enthusiasts as well as a field medic who bond over their military experience or need for first aid.

Dean Shinwoo has one final surprise for most people, hes’ 100% gay, his type, much younger bear cubs, the more innocent, the better, and he was a expert at taking a guys virginity without leaving a sour taste in their mouth when he didn’t come back the next day. He was a romantic sweetheart but preferred to remain unattached. Dean’s choice of non-lethal weapons was a Needle Gun, coated in a muscle relaxer,
he aimed for acupuncture pressure points, temporarily paralyzing a target, he used small, Japanese knives too, as close quarters hand to hand weapons, coated in a paralyzing agent that Dean's military enhancements made him immune too, but which would paralyze another person with just a scratch. His gear is military grade body armor, as well as a gatling gun as well as a smaller needle gun, he wears strips of needles wrapped all around his body like rambo.