Humans are the dominant species on techniverse earth; cartoon visages; t/re generally more advanced than IRL but totally idiotic. T/ir biology is more lenient than IRL, a/physics simpler. Humans are creations of a genius original humanity.
Homo-sapiens are 2d primates from Earth; related to monkeys, t/ir more primitive cousins. Made of chemicals; 4/5' tall, muscular, matured at 18, rugged; n/bisohen. Mostly hairless except for scalps; +facial a/pubic in males. L/s of 6/8d; mortal. 100ks genes; half shared w/earth plants; 96% w/rats; yet Op̄tr mDNA. Walk/run Ani.
Robust; adapting to anything n/fatal; a throwback t/ t/ir role as miners. Some hu/s a/ courageous/badass; entertaining. Interact ani kiss/hug/sex/pickup/wear/etc.
Idiotic a/slovenly; the smartest a/s oblivious. Tribal, inhospitable; o/semi sentient/ sapient. Vices include junk/fast food/porn. Complex, curious b/; adept tool users; compensation f/limits. Dioecious 'biology'; incels. Unused agility a. T/prefer material /rational pseudo-science. Accident prone. Ruby Plasm. IRL aware= paranoid.
Predatory; bipedal/nocular 4.0 vision/hearing; bionic compensation f/frailties. One o/t few Earth species t/s red. Omnivores; adventurous pallets. Can't see thru water/ fog, only sun/moonlight. Humans tattoo a/pierce t/ir bodies as art; oft ugly.
Humans o/s stupidity in t/ir ancestors; w/o changing now. Youths enjoy novelty; but humans exist only i/t present; trad's oft' abandoned f/new fads as posers. Confused.
T/can survive a while w/o vital organs/indefinitely w/only half pair; vein popping/ seen offensive odors/sounds; blinking only a/a social cue. Eyes are brown/green/ gray; blue marks Jsu lineage; skins' muted earthtones; n/ red/pink/yellow; hairs' brilliant earthtones or dyed. Cloth’s bright synthetics; auto-tailored. Bad at math.
Obsessed w/gold a/gems; t/re easily distracted by food, flashing light, or buttons. Human’s operate t/ir economies on unsustainable-boom/bust cycles; like t/ir enviro; prefer democracy by seniles. Impressions of strength/alertness/agility; yet expressions reveal the dullness of the species. Talents’ rare; oft margin/.
Social; hallucinate if too alone/depressed; a full hu/mind can be stored on a blu-ray/4 record s/CDs i/t 90s. T/decay in old age; b/c decrepit/pale; oft’ mean a/w lazy. TV galvanized a/age of war; t/net grifting.
Technically advanced; rapid progress since the 19th century; oceanic electric paddleboats as early a/t 1850s; aerial dogfights ‘87; deviced f/radio. The last few decades of progress strained society; always cultures disagreed o/m everything; b/n civil conflicts h/balkanized t/ir once great empires.
Stupidly blind to corruption, human leaders have bizarre/decadent authoritarian beliefs. T/ hu/ize pets, tools; even forces; leading to strange object worship. Human brains a/viscera are 2½d f/folded 2d.
Only conspiracy theorists a/a few shut-ins display awareness comparable to IRL; t/ir neuroses can lead to idiocy on topics. Once 'proved', t/won’t disprove s/t. Endurance hunters; hu/hate hard work but n/i for contentment. TTL humans a/a exaggerated IRL stereotypes. Dominance based hierarchy; brutal.
Xenophobic; TV galvanized war by exposing alt lifestyles; humans demonize aliens w/ t/ir worst traits or incels fetishize them w/ t/ir 'best'. Little s/n affinity; oft’ weird sex magic; t/m fine ingredients tho.
The Techniverse
Humans come from a dimension called the techniverse; which encompasses Earth/Urth; where the Op̄tr advanced pre-human hominids into ‘atlantis’; giant 16’ humanoid Jsu who preceded human civ by about 8.5k years as bullies; enslaving and experimenting on the refined humanity.
The Techniverse bears a cartoon visage; biology is more lenient; a/physics simpler; it’s a large but finite expanding cosmos where a small percentage of mass belongs to stars a/ planets; Earth is located in the milky way, a/ tho n/ all the stars are the same, constellations are. Time’s compressed; hu/s seem slower.
Earth w/in this reality is vastly different from the real Earth; different climates, continents, a/historical events; yet humans remain the dominant species; a/all real world cultures a/ nations exist; under different circumstances a/acting in surprising ways; t/ir history parallels ours. Culture began in the fertile crescent of hyperborea; Thule to germans.
14k years ago, Op̄tr spliced t/ir language into hominids; but wiped out the giant hu/Jsu in BD.7,568; the last interbred w/ hu/s as royalty, giving them culture a/civilization. >6.25K years ago Op̄tr again colonized the planet a/ taught man math a/ astronomy, commissioning cities near caves a/ sinkholes; a history taught in every skool; but mostly ignored. Hu/ leaders a/i contact with Op̄tr vassals+ others.
Hu civilization spans the past 5.5k years; but only in the last 2c have t/ deviced mechanization f/ radios. Earth is otherwise the same mass; orbits the same sun; a/ is surrounded by only visually different planets a/moons. Moon=planet b/ orbiting a planet i/s o/a star.
Earth is more advanced in this universe; w/heiman gravy; genomics; feeling bionics; VR, holograms, hard light; a/cold-RLF fusion; electric cars/planes. T/ve eliminated global hunger a/guaranteed food quality; the internet/ electricity a/freshwater; ubiquitous global utilities.
The human population is around 3.2bill c’19; a/t quality of life i/m higher; except in developed nations which are less stable/secure than ever in history.

Human cultures are divided on nearly every issue you can be divided on; however; murder, rape, a/outside communist countires; theft, arson, incest, a/pedophilia; are generally; but n/a frowned upon.
Lip service to swinger culture a/taboo; but pass over gay rights. Schizoids c/t tell t/difference b/t quirky and antisocial; rule abandoned social media. Humans are purely dominance hierarchical.
Lip service to ancient religions or pseudo-sciences but generally humans worship celebrities no matter how bizarre or sinister t/ir behavior. Some cultures worship 'cash'; valueless tokens based solely on credit of t/ir leaders, leading to disaster when refined to e-cash based on worthless floating points.
T/ eat a wide variety of food; adventurous cuisine; now mostly suspicious processed; low quality for IRL; is the staple globally; but has eliminated world hunger; sodas were the first megacorps. Polluted food a/ water is also a human standard; exotic mystery meats historically caused t/ir plagues.
Hu/mystery meats a/roots a/t basis of t/food supply; m/p in factories f/cultures/compilers; soda w/t first megacorps; t/ir nuclear war leading to unpersoning o/t first two; n/a conspiracy.
Since the ‘50s; humans have become more anxious about alien life; assumed more advanced; but t/ve ‘secularized’ a/deny t/ir own alien origins. Hu/s reformulate religious tenets into pseudoscience like the big bang then strut around like t/just thought of something new. Vegan ban as antisocial l/ switchblades.
Fascinated by tools; inventions of prodigal yet equally oblivious hu/; those with IRL awareness have idiotic neuroses from being labeled insane or are left to rot as gamers.
The 19th century saw the beginning of endless technical progress; yet most "advanced technology" is prone to catastrophic failures a/errors; nothing works right. Everything does everything; not well tho. Human tech has no shelf-life; being 90% recycled hardware from the early/mid 00’s fabbed t/g.
Key genomic breakthroughs in the 7/80s bootstrapped the end of world hunger a/ global poverty. Humans are extremely xenophobic; trends hide it w/ pity. T/re barely literate in t/ir own languages; a/ rarely can fend for themselves; but curious; the tools made by prodigies keep them alive.
Human culture is largely tribal; just n/ w/bloodlines. Ties are bizarre a/ confusing; so are competitions between humans; including the oft competition over w/i more unfortunate or discriminated against.
The ‘20s are suffering the decades long after effects of t/ir third world war; a nuclear a/ conventional conflict between developed nations over peacekeeping efforts decimated t/ir 3 global superpowers. Underpopulated/water w/debt.

Altered geo-pressures flooded many coastal cities post-war. Work indig; rich flee i/t space; Adults d/t a/m; no family w/o mob w/f; corrupt f/shuttle; riot police e/w; drug/alcohol rampant; suicides. Hu/s m/due; t/irs s/wonder.
Since splitting atoms; humans are divided between communism; confucius economics, a/ capitalism; greedy markets. Neither ideology appeals to its targets; but once split leadership almost perfectly in half. Humans aren't smart enough to make either work; tho. Sanitation is substandard; cesspools in the center of even wealthy colonies.
Every corporate conglomerate seeks global domination through ads; micro dramas playing insecurities. Politicians mostly sign contracts a/ make speeches for corporate relations. Repetitive songs use forced rhymes m/o than not; pop is amazingly sexual for an/or b/o incel culture. Netmods=incels; h/n hu/rights.
Human civilization was born around the fertile crescent region of hyperborea; sumerians; then spread to eurasia by trade; hesperia by colonization; the Americas were an independent development but later colonized. All worship the Op̄tr in some form; b/h exaggerated them f/ ancient aliens to magic sky fairies.
Almost all human philosophy is greek by way of rome; or confucianist by insular chinese; modern human culture is heavily influenced by the storytelling of a chinese daughter empire; Japan in west hesperia; a/ increasingly by eastern hyperborean a/ american storytelling; corporate propaganda favored b/t dumb.
Dress is casual; descendants of 50s hesperian/american undergarments, w/ clothing was purely formal a/too layered. Formal costumes vary across cultures but always alongside moderne hesperian formalwear. Simple armor; dress regalia.

Crying a/singing media; lowest denominator; collapsed USA’s global media empire. Its fans are the epitome of the teenage boy/bachelor stereotype; smelly/unbathed/takeout.
Cramped/abandoned cities; debt e/w; people live in hovels/shanties; tent cities i/s warehouses; b/w farmers markets; chic staples. Cargo a/prefab tiny homes; rural squatters; cheap/livable w/modern materials; tho TTL standards are low. 
Car ownership is less common; but was once the staple of independence; so was home ownership in the new world; humans still awkwardly propagate the species. Humans only blink when stunned, confused or flirting. Preoccupied w/porn; architecture’s vaguely genitalia inspired; compensation is common. TTL Humans embody exaggerated IRL stereotypes/generalizations.
Generally; people have become inhospitable w/ progress; hu/are generally dumb reactionaries; t/re less sentient than IRL; reflected in simplistic cultural refiguga; mass media. In the 21st century most is just ads. Shows/movies a/j gif strings w/soundtracks/bytes; games typical phone/NES arcades.
Gaming meanwhile promotes n/just hand-eye coordination; needed for such a clumsy a/ inagile people; but makes gamers better people; stigmatized out of xenophobia as incipient terrorists a/ rapists; games have the most complex storylines as a result of interactivity; but still pale to IRL.
Humans speak many languages; a gift from t/ir Op̄tr creators; inventing mythology to explain the variety. Swears are t/ir curses. Op̄tr can learn any of these from TV in 2 weeks.
Humans were given writing/math/astronomy by the Op̄tr; communication relies heavily on simple pictograms; emojis a/memes. Language has become more casual over time.
Grammar's inconsistent; humans offset t/ir limited vocabularies w/ compound verb/nouns; often dumb ones. Science vocabulary is especially limited; relying on dumb metaphors. Vocabulary has expanded over time; modern humans are the most literate ever. Decimal base 12/60.

Human technology is electronic; most advanced devicments are hardly functional. Holograms have taken over for transparent LCD flatscreens; a/ environmental holos hide dilapidated buildings a/replace public works. Humans are addicted to these flashy technologies; a/ t/ir puzzle/casino gotcha games.
VR technology is fairly advanced; coils provide entanglement AR in place of older cells; a/can provide STL when wrapped around the head. Humans however stigmatize gamers as potential terrorists/rapists out of irrational fear.
Social media is important in everyday life f/ antisocials; but takes the form of AR a/ second life where people work, fight/sports w/avatars; a life you control. Females choose mates using it.
Holocinemia+TV. Genomics advanced enough to trial a/error Op̄tr genes; cure world hunger, deviced nanotech; created artificial brains a/led to stacked quantum pattern boards. Computing vastly exceeds hu/mental capacity; but AIs use it to be lazier than hu/.
Personality transplant AIs are standard software; but use t/ir intelligence to be lazier, a/often develop idiotic neuroses; t/re genuinely sapient like IRL though; a/burdened by t/ir creator’s stupidity.
Cold fusion lit farms 24/7 for crops that never stop growing a/bubbling vats of nutrient-to-meats; + desalination plants; water is still polluted. Cesspools show t/ lack of environmentalism despite t/cries of neo-babylon.

Heiman hover cargoships; saving the global economy. It’s all GUIs; hacking is knowing w/t click; passcodes, backdoors/fake IDs. Guns use EMPs instead of gunpowder. Heim-super EM breaks/redirects gravity/accel. Tech i/n ergo.
The Americas use all solar; south eurasia, tidal; the rest all wind power for infrastructure; powerful batteries a/superconducting parts sustain this green energy system.
Human prodigies proved consciousness; the fluctlight; developed colonies on t/ir moon/spin-habs in orbit; others are regarded as conspiracists. Spaceplane travel standard w/cloned limb a/organs; bionics can feel, life support is uncomfy a/l in wheelchairs. Bionic therapies; EM m/mech f/drug resistance.
The human economy was heavily inflated by its superpowers; the resulting collapse led to t/ir WW3/4; economics/war are simpler; more abundance; broke nations can afford particle accelerators; superweapons/ space travel. Omnifab uses laser/bosers to molecular 3d print.
With global synchronized default ‘08; people only survive using the global internet a/ drones to conduct business. ‘23 USD can buy a pizza for just 23 dollars; yet salaries are about the same as IRL ‘10; a tiny home for 19k; or an underwater micro-mcmansion for 3mill; crammed w/o yards.
Germany/etc 9th century colonies/USA etc 18th. Aerial dogfights 1st in 1887 b/t hesper/ russia. WW1/2 in 1905/63 b/t ger/usa; US civil 1910. WW3/4 b/t china/usa a/ usa/mex-ATO/asia 1998/2019.
Technology is cheap enough for people outside the luxurious colonies t/h latter gen stuff; but current gen is highly inflated w/no resale value despite being must have every few weeks.
Studying phases of the moon a/ tides was the first human science; though only greeks applied math to it; a/ until the 16th century; only the american aborigines could use math to predict eclipses; many people don’t know about moon landings.
Technology can now; as of the 21st century; sustain auto-warfare w/vi spider tanks a/ drone aircraft; mercenaries as needed. Many systems have begun to imitate the ergonomics of nature; especially robots, boats, a/submarines; while modern planes have backwards wings a/slimmer profiles.
Humans have perfect optic technologies like IR reflective/absorptive paints; used in modern insulation; or Radio for stealth; + hard light holograms. Interface’s a/ poor a/ ad-filled. Bionics u/metal strips f/ergo-movement.

Science is stigma/fetishized; humans h/a strong tendency to devalue the hu/ condition. Human limitation theory reduces human dignity t/t of machines /beasts thru transhu/; humans genuinely believe t/re smart enough to correct God's 'mistakes' t/ can’t tho.
Bootstrap space development was slow until national bankruptcies of the 80s led to a global corporate takeover of the sciences; resulting in cold (Raw lambda) fusion; a/SuEM to redirect/break accel/gravity; AI, cloning/ bionics, holo; AR/VR; su-columb fields; space elevators; launch loops; hard light. Lithium Mining/child slaves are a controversial topic. Split space-evs to near every country o/Urth; 10gees tho.
Climate change is n/a cultural factor; but the internet a/ cell phones have been since the 70s, where t/competed w/Minutel using tape-deck server farms.
Particle accelerators power Argentina w/muon fusion; cold fusion, gravity electronics, hard light, holograms, a/space colonies were all brought about by profit minded scientists. Space elevators, lunar amusement parks; space hotels; are all normal 21st century technologies. Longev/treat; recipients b/c birdlike senile hu/s b/c live to 150.
Mars landing in 2024 a/colony in 2032; mission to Jupiter in 2026 established humans as spacers despite idiocy a/many accidents. Dumbi/Genui agree; n/midwits. Garbage i/t satellites via S/Evs.
Humans divorced science a/ magic just before the dawn of the 20th century; but limited magi-tech; imitating the Jsu; is hidden in plain sight; like astrology linked magic circle particle accelerators. Spellbooks take the form of modern laptops. Human math is often wrong; ‘dark’ numbers save t/ir theories.
Physics generally only requires algebra in TTL; Optr first taught humans non-linear algebra; a topic still mostly taught at coledge or AP skool; advanced calculus is higher level than even most TTL genui deal w/.
Op̄tr; TTL geniuses can generally complete human Skool by 10; Coledge by 13; even Medical Skool by 14. That humans do well enough is a testimony to how easily understood TTL history, physics, a/biology are to master.
More aware a/intelligent humans believe t/ir species is evolving into a less emotionally a intellectually sophisticated but more technically advanced form; others point out vocabulary a/literacy haven't been higher before as a corollary.
Evangelions are giant 16/26' tall cyborg mecha; piloted from protruding back hump cockpit inside the chest. T/re controlled by neuro-sync. T/are clones of the Adams; the Op̄tr’s prototype humans; preserved members of the Jsu race. T/ve powerful munitions a/melee-energy weapons; w/ coulomb barriers.

Equipped w/superconducting systems; powerful batteries; Heiman floatsys; Some fold into cars; but are more agile w/feet; Evas replaced tank a/fighter warfare.
Evas resemble superman-kaiju heros; developed secretly in the 80s; deployed in ‘08. Many are piloted by bastardized cloned Op̄tr homunculi; using controls resembling a motorcycle; or a backwards swept chair; w/holo for the pilots. Some have 4 arms; o/r wet light based.
Evas can be modded w/ Op̄tr tech; w/ RLF microreactors; Virtual particle loop light/wings i/s of floats; + optic blasts; coulomb barrier+antibarriers; a/enhanced neuro-sync w/ Op̄tr pilots.
Some are totally robotic; used in industry as workers i/p of forklifts/cranes. Evas can be standard cargo; Arkbirds; 4 590' tall eva aircraft w/ railguns/Op̄tr-type beams/coulomb +floats b/n Op̄tr RLF reactors.