Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Lunette is an idyllic mad max style hamlet in the coastal mountains overlooking a cyberpunk city with harsh holographic signage; amid ruin filled forests, a salt-water lake connected to the ocean at high tide; and rolling mountainsides and rivers. The noodle burger fast food at the end of the town overlooks a cyberpunk skyline off in the distance.

Mostly tiny homes; at first shanties built over an abandoned freight station and highway; plus cargo container tiny homes; now prefabs; plus homes patched with the same cheap plastic and metal sheeting. Actual houses are those abandoned in the 90s housing all multigenerational squatters.

Traincars have been converted into infrastructure like libraries; bathhouses; and even a bar; the trading company train station is now a school for classes of kids of all ages taught by local experts; while the clinic is a train-depot warehouse with an auto-doctor run by a coledge dropout.

Large megacorp farms surround the town of 300 people;  w/many gays; sustained by nomads who come for the harvests. Many shops are located along the highway ‘mainstreet; along with Fvđ’s hello-hello food mart and charging station; closest to a town’s grocers.

The locals supplement income with internet businesses enabled by drone shipping. Fishing is also an income source; highest paid too. Rusted mills, rural houses; along the highway; along with a broken down warehouse kids use for raves and underground fighting.

Ruined industrial machines in Beck’s junkyard; and a small rose bud shaped alien temple is located beneath the newer constructions on the hill; with some trees in a stone circle to the side; central dias being a teleporter; walls and foundations; broken pillars/arches in the woods.

Most homes have solar panels and broadband antennas for power and internet; and the town is powered by a makeshift solar farm; the reservoir or cesspit are 15 years past their maintenance lifetime yet aren’t updated because they’re vital.

Huge water towers are common throughout the town; along with mini-solar collector towers. Sanitation is better than TTL norm; but still IRL subpar; food is still processed foodstuff but used in home cooking.

The climate is warm-mediterranean; dry summers with strong heatwaves; a week of snow during the rainy winter; sometimes white christmases; foggy and rainy; lots of strong wind from the Fraser valley across the sea.

Climate dominated by barrier mountains in the south and the bannon sea fed with arctic water by the ceres gyer. Local vegetation is fern and palms, deciduous trees; few pines; abundant colorful exotic flowers, many tall grasses, and abundant moss. Vbt and Nanu are security guards acting as town police.


Pizza Overlord, Fryer King, Fro-Yo Mama, Cup O’ Joe, along with the Noodle Burger diner overlooking the giant cyberpunk city in the distance; Fvđ’s Hello Hello food mart and charging station is the closest to a grocery store; and many people have their goods shipped here since there's no personal addresses anymore.

The Laiott Trading Company has been converted into a school; where local experts come to teach kids mixed into classes of all ages; parents are also often teachers.

Some of these businesses have been in Lunette since it was a trading post for a logging company; many others were built in the 60s when the projects went in. An old warehouse is the hospital; with only a few beds; and a single autodoctor unit aided by a self-taught doctor.

One of the train cars serves as a lockerroom to a public bath; filled with hot water; another acts as a library of books that rotate through town; others have become homes to locals; often inspired by tiny homes.

The bar; a gay bar; is a train car; with a deck for dining and dancing; they serve minors food and lets them dance; but no alcohol until 21.

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