The Techniverse is the universe which encompasses Urth; a large b/ finite expanding cosmos where a small percentage of mass belongs to stars a/planets; Earth’s in the milky way, but not all the stars a/t same; e/t constellations are.
The techniverse is 2½+½D; a flash world; w/2d life w/free ani/ a/2½ guts b/t ¼/¾∠ facemes; isometric enviros a/homes+ compressed time; hu/seem slow. Weightless; 2d fall equally i/t 2½d mass. Corollary digital physics; game verse; n/flatland. Lv 30 cap f/ Hu/oids; w/d base stats. SuEM break/re; accel; floats/ +coulomb f/fields.
Techniverse physics is simpler; planar solids/linear gasses; b/t Earths’ very different; climates, continents; yet humans dominate; a/all real world cultures a/nations exist; often acting in surprising ways; in a parallel history.
The ☍verse is the 4d shadow braneworld 3d is embedded in; origin dark energy; projecting information; like a hologram; i/t the multiverse as mass-energy. Accel penrose processes create t/se observable universes; b/o thought difference ratios.
Tree dia/map e/o Cs f/t C/Ucs; sea of transmi/ a/t big bang; soul/shadow a/mind; sci/magic; inter/ ψ/Ψ/ ☥; αΩ. Shem Shemaforash i/t rules o/t void +virtual worlds. U/sys i/t C/Ucs; C/Cs c/b i/t god; t/ctrl fate.
The multiverse i/a phase space of every possible configuration o/o space; universes a/dimensions t/map interactions; via penrose observers can create new ones/go back i/t time. Vectors a/t organic, a/physical properties, the inorganic, o/t world of aristotelian forms. Info f/t multiverse encoded o/t cauchy horizon; w/ FTL; b/o ships i/t time; cracks; a/c move b/t t/. Grav phase/trans in 200b y/s w/split t/3 grav; 1-; b/rip.
Other worlds c/h different constructions or variant physics; astral or where planets are skins stretched over bubbles; all non-trivial mathic transforms. I/t ☍verse; the universal wavefunction is visible. The afterlife reached/ sapce/colliders f/o mediums. T/big bang i/t math o/t i/s swachild radius o/a euclidean 3d black-hole; w/t multiverse located inside t/ e/h w/a mat/☍mat lobe b/f i/t time.
Timelines c/b merged, split, b/c non-determ, collapsed, cross-over/steered per inconsistent histories; giving t/t no advantage; stupendous num/dimensions. From the ☍verse; the big bang’s a quasar a/t center o/a inverted bipolar nebula; the mat/☍mat verses. A central finite curve is a map of the multiverse marks-of diffusion a/l a section o/a ∞ spiral.
The ☍verse is crumpled up i/t a very small bundle of extra-ds a/b 2½+½ s/t; shortcuts. Fold singularities (in the renormalization flow) are bottlenecks; inflated to habitability t/ir higher dimensions act as uni/ downs. Dark Matter is multiversal clumps w/a the same as various exotica; w/o ψ foam t/ 1/∞; b/o obvs astronomy. Pair-produce =ize b/t ‘verses r/f timeline merges; experosis; measure via thought differential.
The movement of particles under gravity along the subsequent hi-d manifolds produces the forces of nature; each observable universe w/slightly different coupling constants a/particles. Theoretically; only a Flash universe can support intelligence w/t limits of 2d life. Morals a/t rules of the ☍verse; c/b changed.
Balls/boxes n/ spheres/cubes; even tennis ball planets w/o gravity anomalies. Folding 2½d space c/b w/o grav; allows escher w/lumpy classical tools u/g math. VR-medium absecretion f/extra-D mining w/accels.
W/a proper system; like Golgotha, gæs can influence reality; manifesting collective cognition w/ focus; gnosis/world; a hive mind; manipulated in a dyson sphere blending reality/fiction in the ☍verse; the only place where fate can be altered. ∯ (area) is required to define 2d weight i/a flash uni; while ∮ (contours) define the density of 1d fluids a/ pressure/drag 2/2½ds. 2½ mass by folding 2d ∯ i/t iso.
Teleportation moves things from one place to another but not between; possibly using bulky machines. Portals can be Invisible; light effects, or visible gateways; even doors.
Teleportation works using various kinds of higher-D or FTL physics; slingshots use spacetime bottlenecks as an unexpressed axis to go around distance. Strings use the calabi-yau model; difficult w/o properly factored equations. Matter transistors transmit matterwaves like TV; older is slow/impercise.
Tunneling entanglement systems can tunnel through intervening universes to a target in another universe. Hyperspace relays can act as personnel/equipment teleporters; even between universes.
Dark Energy and Exotic Matter
Dark Energy is the result of zero-point fluctuations; a consequence of embedding w/ a 4D shadow braneworld. An anti-mass condenser can convert it into particles of exotic matter w/ anti-gravity.
Fusing exotic matter releases displacement energy; w/c be manipulated by tunneling entanglement into a portal; enabling industrial mass teleportation.
Uncovering inverse relationships between velocity a/time, faster than light travel is possible w/even 21st century technology. Since time slows in matter’s presence, a hyperdrive converts mass into time for FTL travel.
Hyperdrives/ports emit cherenkov radiation beams; lines of light; color/ luminosity details drive+vector. Op̄tr; sleek a/curvy. Starting at 10/15c, a parsec in 25 days/50c is good; Op̄tr push 700c using microjumps to measure dilation f/speed.
Op̄tr can use relativity to pass into other universes using FTL; w/portals; Glow/halos; across dimensions; delineating apertures with T/+ shaped installations w/a oval core. FTL travel is extremely rough.
Chronal-hyperspace is non-euclidean w/momentum conservation; faster entry means faster FTL. FTL space causes severe nausea/heart attacks; requires stasis. As teleports; precalc FTL is dizzy/experience landing on feet.
Dimensional Warp Drive
In the quest for faster FTL; there's Dimensional warp drives; which slingshot a hyperdrive off a bottleneck. Op̄tr call these dimensional drop drives; they resemble falling down a cliff made of the normal 2½D the drive left; to reemerge into normal space a huge distance away.
But if a bottleneck isn’t empty; their inhabitants can prey upon vessels. Scary hyperspaces ruled by elder gods glimpsed in dreams who seek to annex the worlds of the multiverse into paradises of cancer, mutation, a/ mutilation.
Tentacles for mouths; elder gods bless followers with horrific mutations a/ eternal life as fanatical zombies; corpses of unbelievers incubate their young until enough necrotic mutated/mutilated biomass creates a portal to their holy-land.
Ansibles work as quantum telegraphs using a few entangled particles; they can transmit grainy monochrome holo-video. Heisenburg’s uncertainty principle underlies all quantum based network architecture a/ makes VR mmos possible; even before the advent of the soul translator. Op̄tr Ansibles; resembling hollow stones; entangled; a/ can send full-spectrum holovideo.
Supergravity technology can produce antimatter surges that propagate at FTL speeds; these can damage delicate hardware even lightyears away.
The Oķmuń
Using artificial evolution a/ brainwashing to uplift a/ mold their client races; Op̄tr experimented on them under a god guise to create breeds of superior beings adapted to various niches within their Oķmuń; a hegemonic empire ostensibly facilitating international commerce a/ diplomacy for their client states; the current population is 31 trillion; the Optr are the mode; not majority.
Their client states occupy various niches within the Oķmuń; economics, intelligence, mining, police. The Optr’s FTL nexus is used to link nodes; worlds across different dimensions, creating local clusters in each universe which can be navigated by hyperdrive. ZRet is on the edge of our local cluster.
A galaxy like the milky way can contain up to 3 million earthlike planets/moons - complex land-based multi-tiered foodchains; about half these were terraformed. All the worlds of the milky way; earthlike or not, in turn, are home to over one million intelligent civilizations; lasting around 10k years at FTL.
Through black box components, corporate partnerships, financing, contracts, a/ subsidiaries; the Op̄tr have a major degree of influence a/ control over their clients.
Factions keep secrets from one another in order to maintain a strategic advantage, a/ some are in a state of cold war working to undermine one another; the Oķmuń is essentially a trade federation comparable to a hybrid of NATO a/ EU.
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