Experiments with the occult in the 1920s and later Cold War established the existence of ESP and magic; but only the derisive 1973 University of Toronto paper; Macro reflections in Adaptive Scale, outlined how esp could be produced by quantum brain dynamics entangled with and tunneling macroscale quantum phenomena.
Idolatry uses the same ‘tangles to apply idols to a phenomena; parlor tricks; illusion and misdirection; b/o accelerated penrose processes. Prayer creates crowd focus; measurable changes in random violence, crime, even weather a/a result.
Espers can see the backs of playing cards, start fires/bend spoons, or see through solid objects; ESP i/j flashes of insight; psionics requires tech or idols; w/i why magic was developed. M/hypnotism; mental l/ESP; j/u study n/talent; o/m raw talent usable.
Astrology is geomancy; based on arrangements; about gravity from distant bodies producing butterfly effects. Geomagnetic fields affect tissue growth a/ synapses (morphic fields); feng-shui uses astrological gyrocompasses f/ planning events/layouts; seeking harmony & ctrl o/t nourishing force. Sacred dates/ places; most significant hu/ events are repetitions of these alignments. Gods=Op̄tr/devils=reptilians.
Magic i/n hollywood; spells/circles/world ending rituals; b/geomancy, runes; evil ◉’s/divination; tarots, beasts &tools; contracts; w/ rituals/dates; astrology/numerology. Hypno/charisma a/auto-suggestion. Simply looking w/envy t/b evil; ward b/talismans; or u/p holy t/b blessings; both n/called luck/ i/f charm.
Voodoo; taken bits exert power over t/ir owner. Grimoirs’ books on idolatry; fluff; b/n to sort f/fable; burning grimoirs c/b dangerous. ESPer influences' strongest a/NDE. Space/accels f/o mediums f/ a/l gate.
Wards; protective charms (crosses). Voodoo crafts a/l charms for c/s or b/ws; infuse blood i/t corpses t/c zombies+ life book. Vampires; b/c obligate hematophages via transfuse f/anti-aging; w/medieval origins.
Practiced w/spoonbending a/egg balancing; ESP; synergistically enhanced w/magic idols/rituals; tarot f/precog; old gypsies u/boil tea/bones to detect curses or a/w lost memories. Life elixirs crushed i/t life stones. Jungian shadows a/souls. Achiral; t/b king/beast; l/Op̄tr o/ hu/ serials a/kids.
Cd/s; i/m +e/y a/ ESP/TP; b/o c/s w/∞ AU b/us; configure t/ world. Hypnosis t/fs consciousness; cast w/charisma; a/can help o/c o/magic. Op̄tr/ve idol Cd/s; c/b e/t magic. Fetishes a/dolls m/f Cd/s cells possessed by an evil AU-self; granting ESP. Kamui m/f cd/s hair/bone f/reentry proof clothing. B/o t/ir g/ss faith; w/s; n/magic; i/t devices f/Op̄tr a/s digital tarot grimor precog ais; diegetic AR/VR.
Idolatry creates measurable/predictions w/ESP; public magic; especially contracts; i/m power. Humans have spelldrive laptops; for casting; dangerous as grimoirs; Op̄tr developed tech u/idols; gears/pumps lamps/tools to enhance idols/ESP i/t mature interstellar tech; l/ME’s Protheans; l/ TP/drones, TK/mines; scryers n/tele; TP n/ECM; Neuro-sync field for PK a/TP a/ESP mapping/data organization.
Magic tools proxy idols; umbrellas f/a spear; spear's better; best according to myth. Cloned chimera w/ nigh-arcane properties; mirrors/scales; boom swords/return spears; laser bows/virtue shields; w/a tech built u/idoltary f/ESP effects like scrying/precog; remote drones, or neuro sync o/energy fields/gravity for powerful PK. Life elixirs crushed i/t life stones. C/s /f s/sing; e/gender or/clone.
This way; magic rituals use sacred sites as sets for theater s/a to draw upon power by reenacting myths. Op̄tr temples/shrines reenact tree diagrams f/ t/ir faith.
Ghosts are disembodied psyches; everyone becomes a ghost upon death; but a psychopomp guides them into the afterlife; through a gate in the Op̄tr’s higher-d dyson sphere. Those that fail become a recording; a haunting; ESP evolved to detect these for safety.
Animals do not have souls; but humanizing pets gives them ego; and therefore a shadow/soul; allowing them passage into the afterlife. Animal psychopomps are often their owners; rather than other animals.
Mastery of magic as a psychoreligious discipline; it comes with healing and energy channeling; but also reincarnation and parachronal vision; hence is called ars magus; which is the ultimate goal of alchemy; with all other discoveries being stepping stones. Acupuncture or drugs used on children, can replicate it.
Koa is the cosmic substance; found only in space; it can be made only by subjecting materials in meteors to various alchemical processes and infusing it with cosmic energy (replicable through machines and a particle accelerator) forging it into lustrous red metal.
Op̄tr’s geas can reshape Koa; it’s their most advanced devicement. Op̄tr koa is holy and will rob humanity if touched; not Human Koa made in a lab. A lifeboat for souls awaiting artificial reincarnation. A similar substance is pure gold; gold with a greenish glow that can prolong life.
Koa can bind even deities without limiting their supernatural abilities.
Sealing Hexes
Esoteric glyphs based on fingerprints visible in various combinations and formulas on Op̄tr technology; they are able to enhance or inhibit the supernatural effects of Op̄tr technology.
A small rod; a few inches long triangular prism with these etched into it; was embedded in Vent’s eye and brain to restrict his Geas; and even cost him his native language; causing it to stop his heart whenever he used it; removed; his geas is limited only how long he can go without blinking.
These hexes are written onto containment vessels; floors and walls, and on paper talismans; and are a form of magic. Flad’s soaking tank was covered in them; only Aob was never subjected to their effects.
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