The Op̄tr (Ofter) are a race of semi-divine extraterrestrial beings who maintained several outposts on Earth; then suddenly fled, leaving it all to ruin. Tasting eternal life, literally gods from a primitives’ perspective. Of light; the first humans blessed w/life.
Op̄trñuń a/t cartoon 1st hu/ity; a/hold divine miracles; f/t ♉︎ i/Alep̄. M/o ψ⌘ γs', i/t mat l/ ∯; yet s/b macro particle-wave a/1. Of lite; B-Ecs; visible spectra= to hu/s § tests; 100ks’ §s'. Cd/s +ESP/TP. Legacies' d/i/m a/ sci/⚕; b/ m/ex l/t survival. O/w hu/ guts/♑︎us b/t 2d free/ ani ¼/¾∠ face/mes; i/s 2½d iso ⌅ ⌂s’/env+ big life. Hu/ weight f/ir ∮s’; l/a 2d life/objs.
Hu/yte-bwn; s/s; w/ hu/◉s’. Op̄tr/re bisohen; sharp n/curvy; naro/ethnics; t/ve m/ ⬘s’/⧨s’; f/arab/t sino; fat/athletic n/obese. Tall; 5/6' vs hu/ 4/5'. T/ve s/c skin u/UV.
Oblivious b/σ𝓰ₑₙᵤᵢ; sap/sent-ient; mercy; cd/o i/m; Op̄tr/re viceless. 2busy obs/ hu/s to no how t/b 1. Unfrail; agile; w/o rflxs; acro. Dioecious º/ª bio’; swing/met; e/j taboo. Post life/ notlife; ψ ∮s’. Impassible. F/hus curious. Amorality. Values o/v ηs’. ♑︎us’ Hu/collj a/13; a/f 14. Op̄tr/perf al⚗/# ≆/Δvs. T/re distant; a/s predatory ◉d’ b/ a/n 1s. C/ w/ o/w.
Adaptable; robuster hu/s; bi-pedal/nocular; 8.0 ◉s/ears; thru cloak; a/perfect pitch. O/w hu/ hug/kiss/ffs/use/wear/attk/def anis; hu/labor anis, hu/ walk/run.
Devicing ⚳s/⚕ b/f tribes. Cd/s; ≆ψ i/m; e/y 14/17/28; +m/b tpt/phs; c/b; s/t ↰; cd/nrg f/ 7/8c l/s vs hu/s 6/8d; 🝈𝓌. T/tp; f/bs. Cured all § disease; bio n/§- aug; w/128k y/o eugenics. E/v ♑︎us’ opps’ c/p. T/ir ∞ ♍︎s’; a/h cd/s s/w t/ir body.
Youths ex/prog b/ age/est; trad’. Op̄tr e/j eat; gro/sushis; raw; fry. Op̄tr d/n l/tek; w/o TV/ cells. All b/o Ψonics/f t/ir edison ✆s; not hu/⌁onics f/ radio; e/v 1/off cd/tele; o/c 1s’; n/t env; u/s. W/o regret. Lv30, b/σ₃+. Zen b/c Cd/s. C/s s/sing ex/limbs f/ ffs/attk; stigma p/ups+ crafts. ⚶ age pop/density; air/⚳s’ f/1k w/hu 1.
Op̄tr/ve mastered su/nat ability; Cd/f psi. Op̄tr oft’ produce p/ful interstellar adv/tech b/o occult; S/a ⚶ l/s; t/re gods of hu/ w/s. Holy hair, ✃ i/t reentry kamui. Al⚗/skilz g/t ki attks. T/ve thin; pink hu/tox R/T 🜁; a/ 🜈🝆 ♨. M/ ⚶/⌘ ⌂s’; ☤ med; +⚜/⚘s’. 🜛oid ⚶ dress/♘; a/⚶ decor/♕s’. Brite intox 🜵s’.
Lit gods; porcelain i/m terra/fers w/ omn/p tech; w/g t/ir ♟s’ culture/⚷ to t/ir lang/create. ℂ blqlit murals o/jung gods; o/tek; mem-metal ⛁s’/craft a/⌂ings; +viscous metal Ꮺ’. Gefjuns; w/dis Su☈ a/radio ⚗/mech; a/scat EM f/hide; a/s hardon f/ t/ir h/m VR colliders; tho t/ir tox t/t. RLF/🜚☈. 🜚/p 🝓 statues.
Op̄tr hu/ize tools/forces; b/o -space/big bang; ⋒ Δ/Ψ/☥; jung psy; w/s; ⎉ w/s n/magic; p/ds ⏃; f/ i/t; Cd/tech a/dyson ball. 78k o/writ hist; o/hist b/f 30k y/o; hist/fic provides i/s t/contemp. Wars’ l/DnD t/t.
Uncanny longevity; extends i/t ghosting; d/n reincar/ l/ hu/s. Eden vital; c/ re/config world w/2 Cd/s. Op̄tr TP shifts ⚷s i/t devices. Creative; t/made t/ir i/s NATO/EU hege/✣; slaves w/ex steps. T/ve long history resolving /conspiring/escalating t/ir own i/m conflicts. SuEM float/grav; AI; holo +AR/VR UI o/.
Long-viewed f/ t/ir Cd/s; unphased t/wait 100 y/o investments. Near eusocial; sports/debates’ t/ir pastime. 🜓 p/ups’; al⚗/⚕. Bio’ Ecstasy. Love RPGs/fan fics. 𐇮 skulls i/rituals; a/magi i/v w/tech n/rituals. Oft’ invent maths/arts, a/Δvs. N/l a/topo algebras; l/hu x-tables; i/elm. Intuit FTL f/time gems; l/ hu/ relativity b/Ψ-∮s’. T/ve linear/point FTL. Jenga/chess+ Bttlship/tic-tac a/com Op̄tr games+ RPG chess’.
Trad’ cures w/ bot/tele; w/med sims ◉’; yte sino nun. Ψ-∮; Drs’ f/⏅ a/ ⚕s/Δs; Like hu; o/sicken w/o M/organs; pop veins/see strong odors/🕪; blink o/ a/a social cue- flirt/shock. T/ve Bose-nova/f s/s s/d suicides. Ṙnoçe; rock 🀥; 🝡 b/t cc/s; g/t trans/esp t/glows; e/☍ t/eldritch powers o/t grub races/worms.
The Alep̄
The Op̄tr come from an ephemeral dimension; no weight, shadows, or airflow; e/t seems like it could blow away like a candle; a place where light life can survive a/thrive. These spiritual qualities, relatively abstract on earth, developed t/ir idol Cd/s; a/tech l/sillicorudurm synapses; youth fountains; a ESP/TP.
Ṙnoçe; ☁ed ⛰; venus-sized, volcanic; a pacific+ 3 medi-seas opposite; s/w less ocean r/⊕; flood lava; sawtooth; anthro e/w; red 𐇲s’ a/❦. Rarefied; stars a/pink zenith; white ☁/horizon. 🜚 Dawn. Eçor; ☾◉; w/only rivers/grasslands. Ṙnoçe’s megafauna +su/nat niches; 𐇯/𐇱/𐇭; primeval eco/sys; dinos; ⏛ing/limb /f germs; amat fruit/🎕s’; ≆H²O colonies; macro ex/philes; +carni/♈︎Ꮚoids w/inflate ♈︎s’.
5.6m of evolution; start semi-sapients w/primitive agriculture a/medicine i/t sapient; intelligence; t/ir culture; written history spans 48k years before spaceflight after rapid mechanization; t/ve been in/ b/t space f/ 20k years; t/ir empire 18k y/o. Pop 11.49bill.
Op̄tr developed mech b/o edison ✆s’. Op̄tr/ve diverse eusocial republics on Ṙnoçe. 0.787M⊕/0.945R⊕; 1.02¾♝, 1.1Y☉ a/b t/ir G1V Πŕé; at 0.89M☉/1.2L☉.
14k years ago, Op̄tr spliced t/ir ABCs i/t homos; w/pre-sapi neanderthal w/s a/magic; u/t Jsu until t/had to wipe t/out BD7,568; last interbred w/humans as royalty, g/t culture a/civilization. >6.25K years ago Op̄tr again colonized the planet; taught man #s a/☄, commission cities f/lava in caves/holes; lining pits; history i/e skool; a/ t/ir algebras studied in hu/collej; t/ir calculus is beyond hu/s. 
Ṙnoçe is just a world in t/ir spiritual reality, surrounded by ‘astral’ stars, planets, galaxies. T/rely entirely upon SUGA/FTL; lightfolds; creating UFO ✈ w/hyperspace; or FTL tele +gates. 9 cluster/4 local FTL gates near Πŕé. I/t bull f/Urth via FTL; local gate a/Acturus.
T/travel the multiverse in cyborg ✈; ribs/spines; veins; amat powered special abilities/ FTL jumps; ⚒ f/debris a/r dead/giant stars, w/interplanetary FTL; rev RLF torch, small crews; 1k for a 5k' warship. Open-air catamaran 31mi long habs’ w/spin grav.


Op̄tr lives are too long for war; so t/ve lasting ☮︎; t/barter a/seek u/s o/v conflict. Mouth sharing bread i/a honored ⚮ ritual; swinging too. ⚮s’ a/ coming of ages can last days. Op̄tr artifacts g/date back only 30k years; b/f is rare; ind/age is a/f back a/i goes; histo-fics.
Homes/condos; villas; abundant plants; metal stairs/lanai; quiz sho skool; collej b/intern; gather. Ambrosia; l/ 🝞 sushis; fried twitch omelets/herb ‘nad bombs; salted goo rub filets/filet goo pot; steam larva; grain roast ⛾; brite fruit psi-trop ‘🜵’.
W/o mass/pro; ex/ ⇔ quality; e/t w/veins of trad’ crafts w/manual laser a/l omni fab; c/per e/u. Op̄tr aren’t dom hierarcs; t/ir eusocial platonian E-dem repubs a/hard t/g i/t; post scarce ⚖; ☭; pub serv/by private w/o o/s; natal/n patri/ matri values; Cd/s; t/b beast/king; pilot/art/diplomats prized. Zen; app lines; sign pedigree; n/acum stuff.

T/prefer ingenious fiction; rich/deep literature/RPGs beyond comparison, great effort t/c intricate stories; many; fanfics; records i/c histo-fics; m/t m/through t/ t/ir conteps’; b/show alt histories. Cork⦚/⛀ popper a/ t/ir utensils. 𐇴 scrolls; ✃ i/t books; recopied e/f centuries; n/stored as analog holo data i/interferometric rod/voids i/t block servers.
Largest Allied/✣ econ; t/spread b/t universes f/star cluster to cluster; inter/intra net b/FTL; vast uni/+stars; l/ NATO/EU hybrid; ζRet n/local edge o/ir combine. Facilitate inter/nat commerce/ politics b/t a hegemony o/ cultivated /client states; to help/t fulfill t/ir potential. Megacorp/ unions f/ extra/inter affairs; diplo/arm+spy/death/pests/imma.
Op̄tr view o/ts as ♟s’; callous; toying w/individuals a/nations; a/g trials; give power/wise t/simply see t/ o/cs ripple a/c aworld/history; t/amuse t/s; e/a t/ir NATO-EU combine; nat sociologists; ctrl fate easy for them. Lit their ancient gods; not imposters; n/v a/f worship; u/primitives a/s laborers o/ t/ir colonies; combine i/l slavery w/m steps. Rule by treaty/econ; centrist politics.
All Op̄tr/ve ‘quest items’; w/l smells evoke strong memories. t/love RPGs; b/o myths/chance; strategy like simple DnD/chess. S/t markets; food stalls; airponics; r/t; i/s orchards+hang. Rubix/chess; a/3d checkers/battleship w/RPG; a/Op̄tr games. Forge ψ⌘ γs embers i/t melee. T/mog hair/bone i/t toga.
Senates a/ temples/pantheons. Giant domes; galleried hiways; gardens/palaces on pillars. Intricate folk tapestries; o/ history/myth; zen r/t gardens; just o/o control. Amphitheaters; arcades/ arches. Trike car/carts; hover land-ships; cat/space ✈s.

Refined art; synthesic holo; u/w actors i/operas; camp histo-fic b/o sims/myth. Op̄tr adopt alien traditions, creating un/faithful adaptations. Rest b/being lazy; fans /fruit on lounges. Tech c/b ‡/statues/۩. Wet light s/o tubs o/dais; b/h+ pools o/ t/polymers. Waterfall amphitheaters; #s sky bridges b/t stacks/hirises. S/t lvl b/h+public pools/♨; lit l/twilight b/l hirise/stacks.
Op̄tr ruins pass as human; columns/arcades; ‡/pantheons; i/n/f bizarchitecture l/blqlit; hydraulics; inverted pyramids; ziggurats. T/ve floating ⌂s'; inverted ‡ too. Domes/gardens; arcades on pillars/arenas. Yte🀥 w/🜚 ♁s’ o/t blq life book. Stacks; sentate/temple v/ e/w.
W/dynasties per era/culture; olympian hirises; temples/palaces w/villas; hang gardens, colonnades; lorise apartments, galleries, gyms, condos, townhomes; shop arcades/malls; w/ viaducts/underlit aqueducts, coliseums/arenas; spires. Uni/ 🝓/statues of gods/mediums; ☤icons; l/chimera.
Glitter togas/robes+ capes; w/m clasps; sandals; sign guild/clan. S/t boob. Gilded girdles/helmets. 🜚 fig❦ undies. Solid/’♁’ n/metal studs. Arm/shin ♘s. U/fold ⚱lamps a/s /switches f/psi; w/ e/a 5k y/o; lite decal lamps+ glow trim u/UV blqlit.
Sports a/daily festivals, w/free circuses; oft fairs; festivals. Groups police themselves; o/e elders address as needed. Carnivals a/bazaars down major aves. N/pops; M/city 1mill; IRL ⚶-age pop densities f/ bill/ colony; 2nd from mode n/majority o/ir inter-D NATO/EU; 28 trill a/f t/Avians; 2bill M/colony; m/89mill; union g/b 1mill /year p/colony. 50 mill Op̄tr/hab.
Developing ☄ogy a/#ology; t/ir 𐇲 dia/ b/o math/∠s w/combine n/oppose; 𐇲 dia/+ᘓ. Push evolution; w/culture; of t/se burdened/ death; man/jsu/avians/molemen/beasts /grays/jellies/geckos /frogs/bugs/beetles/worms/gay-lesbian slugs. As gods; Op̄tr h/t ⚷ to lang/create i/t races t/cultivated; Δvs’/⚕ e/brain transplants; childs play f/Op̄tr.
Op̄tr enjoy mixing w/nature; crimson orchards a/l-i/t ⌂s'; join urban/natural w/ earthtones; water; carved/½ buried; i/s orchards. Floral/flowing pillar/ wall engravings. Op̄tr/ve strong drive to AR/VR UIs; all GUIs TTL. Holo-ads/signs; tasteful tho. AR/VR GUI.

Carving great monuments, a/temples to t/ir gods/heroes; Reverse horseshoe courts; surrounded crimson 𐇲s’; ♀ pools. Cave/lake; m/t shrines; ◉ robed♗; 🝇 ⛫s’. Monk militias. Sky arenas/coliseums f/ sport/duel/debate. Indi/al⚗ic R&D by Ψ-∮ ⚕s/Δs s/s advancement; + f/stolen alien tech. Optr/ve still adopt u/p cultural traits f/♟s’ t/ improve o/t tho.
T/ir orthos decorates t/ir stonework/banners. Cyborg central; Intricate parallax diegetic VR/AR GUI. Trad’ keeps melee d/u hard light a/ geno/bio; interstellar adv/tech b/o magic w/o idols. T/u compressive orbit elevators/launch loops f/takeoff. Float sus/hi mass in air via VR collider halos.
U/lim neu/field i/ir ToE; sy/broke i/t big bang i/t the multiverse; adv/math Flash/Java theory; math o/t swachild radius event horizon o/f euclidean 3d black hole.
An accent beyond; Op̄tr vocabs’ are pitched garbled angelical; all translations a/t in-ferior/ correct. Äbwa Vƃtfvđ, Äbwglā, Ṙnoçeibt Fvbńce/Rjeçor; Hbfwa, Ihqvbt, aa, ii, ee.
Op̄tr taught humans writing/⚳ing #s/☄; ☤ said t/w f/Ṙnoçe; ☁ed ⛰ i/t ♉︎. Iru is slang for ¤; u/i net-sales. Op̄tr both t/ir genus/pronoun. Orthos l/l t/Abugids b/ a/n 1; ⚰ sea scrolls /akasha ⚔. Ortho/vocabs per dynasty/era. T/ve; odd art; oft/glow u/blqlit a/s murals +trim o/tech too; hallmark.
Trad’ names include Ḧb/Äb, Lā, Fvđ, Vbt, families’’; Gŕdæ, Træfy, Suboŕ, Lñg. Ortho ‘hexes’ a/art inspired hu/writing systems. Hŕos' magic beasts; Kŕels' robots. Krńes; ‘𐇲 diagrams’. Decimal base 12/60; ½12+ 60 is a holy #. Lunar calender; cyclical time; many ages/eras. 𐇮 symbol; ⎉; f/faith.

Op̄tr deviced f/ t/ir edison ✆s; bio/cyber; ℄/hu resources; oft’ i/t tools; airponics f/1k w/hu f/1. Stalls/carts/markets n/t master med/bio a/ geno/bio; psi; x/ive holodocs /NES RPGs; global+ FTL internet. 2½d laser print; Omnifab 〄. Auto w/ too hu/ ai/bots.
Op̄tr had hardlite a/holo, float, FTL audio; a/OCP; paradox t/t; escher spaces; b/t time t/were on Earth. Modern Op̄tr/ve e/m; dimension craft; FTL video. Trad’ keeps t/f of ⚔s/ flintlocks+ togas/tunics. 4d parallax AR/VR UIs w/ai subsys; +usr/en debate. UIs load t/10k.
Equal attention to form/function; classic tools; tech a/c be monuments/ melee/ l/ ‡/statues/steeples. Eschew convention; prefer bio/gene over dry. Grimoirs a/n tech manuals about bio/cyber n/ spell/idols. T/mute hu/resources w//ritual w/collid/geomancy 
Biotech like huge fleshy bodyswap flowers, o/j suppleness or biomimetics. al⚗ical devicements work w/ℂ mechanisms; ESP-enhancing machines w/idols; a/tarot-grimoir precog ai. Scale armor power transducers. Ritual i/t smart matter; s/sing ‘magic’ tools u/hu resources. P/ful Vi ppl sim; S/d w/nat edu.
W/ESP; scryers’ n/bulky sensors; TP integrates sensor webs a/i by own 𓁹s’; or VR field f/PK t/improve ore ⚒; TP drone ctrl. These relics a/n legends, tools bestowing tremendous social power. Reverse engineering produces only inferior copies. F/e 🝔s’; size change tubs. Post scarce AI/fab= l/work m/party l/♃s’; u/manual lasers w/omnifab f/artisan touch to m/p.
Antimatter/RLF fusion; advanced genomics, ℄s; mature quantum computing, energy weapons, precise 4d teleports u/ c/cs transfer w/1-off cd/s, mind ctrl/edit, worm-nets. T/ c/m relativistic RLF rockets from piston engines. Cheap lite/armor; m/drones. Mem-metal f/self healing; shape/mem alloy ⛁s’ r/s by fire.
T/ir ECM is actually b/o ESP mind control; t/t whole worlds. Op̄tr u/simple ring outrigger rocket catamaran space✈ w/boosters. Blistered blue armor w/trim; nimble 10/30G relativistic RLF torches; amat trigger FTL/special abilities f/fleet support. Virtual colliders f/beams a/superEM interia/grav ctrl; float.
Op̄tr use micro FTL-jumps to measure dilation f/speed. Small fleets w/excellent support abilities a/psi-drone swarms, n/fighters. Interplanetary FTL preferred f/fuel a/time; c/do stellar STL tho.
Blue-hued FTL lines/halos b/o accel/; 🜚 f/ i/s; FTL corridors b/t gates; T/+ apertures a/a oval core w/blue glo. Mind-transfer of veterans to willing vessels for combat; multiplied fleets w/micro-FTL jumps b/t theaters. Spin shell seg/ m-game f/superdense coding l/a fluctlight. I/sufficient material/nanotech; supreme med.
Nanolam/gefjun armor paint f/anti-beam+ stealth f/ gefjun/c full-EM scatter/ECM +holo cameo cloak; hide e/n torches; IR sig o/i air; but clip issues e/w. Hard lite shield+comm encryption e/thru reentry fireball. M/waves +mag fields clears dust i/f of ship f/safe flight. Beam arms preferred.
F.L.E bombs trade; ex-ds f/ im/plo 2½d w/force of nuke u/ rad/su☈; u/i t/ir kinetic bolts.

Resurrecting wombs in lacy marble cubes; ghost glasses; zombie bioborgs; borg chimeras; man enhancer pins, reflecting always hit lasers. Invisibility shrouds; immortal staffs. Razor-web cloth; glass/wood wish eggs. Time-stopping ⍾s. Krńes r/spiritual journeys to t/ir dyson sphere (🜀) i/t ☍verse. VR colliders/geo rituals to t/mog ppl/tissue i/t cloth/tools.
Virtual particle colliders create superEM accel effects or heavy-ion beams; for 🝓ing ⌂s'; w/condensed cloud halos or confine amat reactions. Daisies as FTL teleports; arches as FTL doors. Eternal gun🝋 flintlocks. Afterlife gates w/space supercolliders+mediums.
℄ brain memory backups; a/necromancy bot borgs; AU-self possessed dolls; s/sing kamuy made from t/ir hair. Devicing red-metal ⚷s/god binding chains; mile long borg ✈. Magic tools proxy idols. ♀s/⚖s; boom ⚔s’/return ⚴s; virtue ⛨s. Machine rituals w/ pump/⚙s in scared geo/+ley lines. Warp stamps. Pgrm-Mat f/solid souls.
Relic abilities range greatly; anti-magic; life elixir stones/near-resurrecting machines; superbio anti-heat scales; meat clay f/‘leather’ pottery. ♑︎us ctrl; supercolumnb ⛨s+ f/PK.
Beam ⦇s; antimagic bidents/ tridents a/ ⚴s/lances. Nigh-arcane. Robots use necromancy. Bionics/robotics; cybernetic integration of ⌂/nature a/tech. Econ b/o 🜚; f/omnifabs a/ adv/parts; a/s titanium/palladium. Metal bounce/b w/crumpled; liqui metals bend under current u/i construction. Plasma Window f/open air habs’.
Ex; mass chips f/custom tech. Durable; long lifespan/upgrade ability a/better work experience f e/u; n/starting over each generation; Op̄tr don’t like to discard obsolete things. Security; special light, t/ mutes non-Op̄tr i/t salt pillars; null/by special alloys or kamui; u/a a weapon too.
W/Krńes; an entryway t/a Op̄tr dyson sphere; 🜀 in the ☍verse; u/a o/t cd/s; i/t t/world of aristotelian forms; a sys t/m fiction rl u/t properties o/t ☍verse; a/entrance to the afterlife too. I/c manifest f/theory t/ctrl ☸; u/two Cd/s t/op t/ sphere; alter gnosis a/change worlds’ nature.


Using artificial evolution a/brainwashing t/uplifted a/ molded t/ir client races; experimented on them under a god guise to create breeds of superior beings adapted to various niches w/in the Op̄tr's Oķmuń. Hŕos a/simple cyborgs w/magic properties; w/ d/n use idols; psi.
Hŕos are magic beasts; bionics b/o idolatry; giant crab/spider tanks or humanoid mecha, cetean space✈s’, doglike guards or insectlike drones. Robotic or ℄d from wet light; t/ve supernatural properties. M/Hŕos a/bio chimera o/cyber zombies. Run by p/fu ppl sim VI sys.
Hŕos range from special tissues in larger devices; to mechanical idolatry powered animals; to possessed dolls made from C/s cells. Kŕels are robots; like abstract metal sculptures w/floating parts; w/float a/lasers; using laser 2½d printing f/repairs.