Friday, June 9, 2023

Character Building Drabble - Teddy

That he didn’t have humanity; didn’t mean he didn’t feel; he still had likes, humors, he was friendly and didn’t like assholes; thought racist jokes were funny; sex was amazing; though he could be unempathetic; making dark jokes, he still had closeness with people.

When he was given a stupid little teddy bear; an old doctor bear covered in patches over its white coat, and body; after one of his ‘operations’; the euphemism for a tortuous medical experiments they subjected him too; he clung to it as any child. He could see the single kindness he’d been given.

They made sure to wipe Flad I’s memory when they made Flad II; after that the experiments stopped; he was given an education; graduated at 10; and had a PHD by 14; when he was 18 they were done with him; and he took his teddy, games, mangas, and music player, and mattress, and his few clothes, and his sword in a 20 year old van he bought himself and traveled across the border to America.

The Lunette fillup station/grocery was the only place that didn’t consider his ID fake; with his platinum skin and hair; he didn’t know at the time that this was because someone lived there who was just like him.

He drove over; a couple of borders; saw some cool stuff along the bannon sea states; he wouldn’t tell anyone; but he was scared; he’d never been alone before; or outside the watchful eye of Nebula. He clung to his teddy like when he was a kid; living in his van; and sometimes cried himself to sleep listening to music.

He didn’t sleep with teddy anymore like Aob with his plushies; keeping teddy in a drawer in his apartment and now in his backpack; so the cat couldn’t get him; brought out only when he was scared.

Worn down, fading, ripped; he was elated when Aob offered to fix teddy; feeling more warmth for the strange boy watching him hand sew teddy back together; more than even for the friends he’d made in lunette. He was all stupid toothy grins and longing to be with Aob.

Worldbuilding Drabble - Subtlety

An IQ of 139; like humans; his mind consisted of evanescent photons inside microtubles; processing 100 gigabits a time through a quantum network; with 40-120 bits of conscious memory and 4-12 bits of ram; this was typical of humans; he had a total capacity of about 1 terabyte; enough; under massive compression; to last 150 years.

He's impassible; beyond pain, agile to move as he liked. And subtility; body subordinated to Jung's shadow; the soul; viceless.

Suave, he enjoyed physical intimacy instead of emotional talks; he'd talked with Aob about their pasts; but had issues with women who wanted to cry everything out. Aob was a crybaby but only needed a hug; sex, hikes, and games were enough bonding.

Vent simply added a third voice to the same dynamic. Hiking, dungeon crawling - delving as humans called it; sleeping together; sex or just cuddling. Vent was as naive as he was athletic; he was so easy to con; Aob was poorly socialized; autistic and non-linear.

A slap on the ass, hug, kiss, public grope, was all Aob needed to feel loved.

Aob’s IQ was einsteinian; at 145; almost omniscient about any pop, philosophy, mythology, and science references you could make; if you could keep up with the topic shifts; easy for Flad and Vent; the best conversationalist. All grads at 10; Vent’s IQ was 135; and was a military captain by 14, like Flad's PhD.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Op̄tr

The Op̄tr (Ofter) are a race of semi-divine extraterrestrial beings who maintained several outposts on Earth; then suddenly fled, leaving it all to ruin. Tasting eternal life, literally gods from a primitives’ perspective. Of light; the first humans blessed w/life.


Op̄trñuń a/t cartoon 1st hu/ity; a/hold divine miracles; f/t ♉︎ i/Alep̄. M/o ψ⌘ γs', i/t mat l/ ∯; yet s/b macro particle-wave a/1. Of lite; B-Ecs; visible spectra= to hu/s § tests; 100ks’ §s'. Cd/s +ESP/TP. Legacies' d/i/m a/ sci/⚕; b/ m/ex l/t survival. O/w hu/ guts/♑︎us b/t 2d free/ ani ¼/¾∠ face/mes; i/s 2½d iso ⌅ ⌂s’/env+ big life. Hu/ weight f/ir ∮s’; l/a 2d life/objs.

Hu/yte-bwn; s/s; w/ hu/◉s’. Op̄tr/re bisohen; sharp n/curvy; naro/ethnics; t/ve m/ ⬘s’/⧨s’; f/arab/t sino; fat/athletic n/obese. Tall; 5/6' vs hu/ 4/5'. T/ve s/c skin u/UV.

Oblivious b/σ𝓰ₑₙᵤᵢ; sap/sent-ient; mercy; cd/o i/m; Op̄tr/re viceless. 2busy obs/ hu/s to no how t/b 1. Unfrail; agile; w/o rflxs; acro. Dioecious º/ª bio’; swing/met; e/j taboo. Post life/ notlife; ψ ∮s’. Impassible. F/hus curious. Amorality. Values o/v ηs’. ♑︎us’ Hu/collj a/13; a/f 14. Op̄tr/perf al⚗/# ≆/Δvs. T/re distant; a/s predatory ◉d’ b/ a/n 1s. C/ w/ o/w.

Adaptable; robuster hu/s; bi-pedal/nocular; 8.0 ◉s/ears; thru cloak; a/perfect pitch. O/w hu/ hug/kiss/ffs/use/wear/attk/def anis; hu/labor anis, hu/ walk/run.

Devicing ⚳s/⚕ b/f tribes. Cd/s; ≆ψ i/m; e/y 14/17/28; +m/b tpt/phs; c/b; s/t ↰; cd/nrg f/ 7/8c l/s vs hu/s 6/8d; 🝈𝓌. T/tp; f/bs. Cured all § disease; bio n/§- aug; w/128k y/o eugenics. E/v ♑︎us’ opps’ c/p. T/ir ∞ ♍︎s’; a/h cd/s s/w t/ir body.

Youths ex/prog b/ age/est; trad’. Op̄tr e/j eat; gro/sushis; raw; fry. Op̄tr d/n l/tek; w/o TV/ cells. All b/o Ψonics/f t/ir edison ✆s; not hu/⌁onics f/ radio; e/v 1/off cd/tele; o/c 1s’; n/t env; u/s. W/o regret. Lv30, b/σ₃+. Zen b/c Cd/s. C/s s/sing ex/limbs f/ ffs/attk; stigma p/ups+ crafts. ⚶ age pop/density; air/⚳s’ f/1k w/hu 1.

Op̄tr/ve mastered su/nat ability; Cd/f psi. Op̄tr oft’ produce p/ful interstellar adv/tech b/o occult; S/a ⚶ l/s; t/re gods of hu/ w/s. Holy hair, ✃ i/t reentry kamui. Al⚗/skilz g/t ki attks. T/ve thin; pink hu/tox R/T 🜁; a/ 🜈🝆 ♨. M/ ⚶/⌘ ⌂s’; ☤ med; +⚜/⚘s’. 🜛oid ⚶ dress/♘; a/⚶ decor/♕s’. Brite intox 🜵s’. 

Lit gods; porcelain i/m terra/fers w/ omn/p tech; w/g t/ir ♟s’ culture/⚷ to t/ir lang/create. ℂ blqlit murals o/jung gods; o/tek; mem-metal ⛁s’/craft a/⌂ings; +viscous metal Ꮺ’. Gefjuns; w/dis Su☈ a/radio ⚗/mech; a/scat EM f/hide; a/s hardon f/ t/ir h/m VR colliders; tho t/ir tox t/t. RLF/🜚☈. 🜚/p 🝓 statues.

Op̄tr hu/ize tools/forces; b/o -space/big bang; ⋒ Δ/Ψ/☥; jung psy; w/s; ⎉ w/s n/magic; p/ds ⏃; f/ i/t; Cd/tech a/dyson ball. 78k o/writ hist; o/hist b/f 30k y/o; hist/fic provides i/s t/contemp. Wars’ l/DnD t/t.

Uncanny longevity; extends i/t ghosting; d/n reincar/ l/ hu/s. Eden vital; c/ re/config world w/2 Cd/s. Op̄tr TP shifts ⚷s i/t devices. Creative; t/made t/ir i/s NATO/EU hege/✣; slaves w/ex steps. T/ve long history resolving /conspiring/escalating t/ir own i/m conflicts. SuEM float/grav; AI; holo +AR/VR UI o/.

Long-viewed f/ t/ir Cd/s; unphased t/wait 100 y/o investments. Near eusocial; sports/debates’ t/ir pastime. 🜓 p/ups’; al⚗/⚕. Bio’ Ecstasy. Love RPGs/fan fics. 𐇮 skulls i/rituals; a/magi i/v w/tech n/rituals. Oft’ invent maths/arts, a/Δvs. N/l a/topo algebras; l/hu x-tables; i/elm. Intuit FTL f/time gems; l/ hu/ relativity b/Ψ-∮s’. T/ve linear/point FTL. Jenga/chess+ Bttlship/tic-tac a/com Op̄tr games+ RPG chess’.

Trad’ cures w/ bot/tele; w/med sims ◉’; yte sino nun. Ψ-∮; Drs’ f/⏅ a/ ⚕s/Δs; Like hu; o/sicken w/o M/organs; pop veins/see strong odors/🕪; blink o/ a/a social cue- flirt/shock. T/ve Bose-nova/f s/s s/d suicides. Ṙnoçe; rock 🀥; 🝡 b/t cc/s; g/t trans/esp t/glows; e/☍ t/eldritch powers o/t grub races/worms.

The Alep̄

The Op̄tr come from an ephemeral dimension; no weight, shadows, or airflow; e/t seems like it could blow away like a candle; a place where light life can survive a/thrive. These spiritual qualities, relatively abstract on earth, developed t/ir idol Cd/s; a/tech l/sillicorudurm synapses; youth fountains; a ESP/TP.

Ṙnoçe; ☁ed ⛰; venus-sized, volcanic; a pacific+ 3 medi-seas opposite; s/w less ocean r/⊕; flood lava; sawtooth; anthro e/w; red 𐇲s’ a/❦. Rarefied; stars a/pink zenith; white ☁/horizon. 🜚 Dawn. Eçor;  ☾◉; w/only rivers/grasslands. Ṙnoçe’s megafauna +su/nat niches; 𐇯/𐇱/𐇭; primeval eco/sys; dinos; ⏛ing/limb /f germs; amat fruit/🎕s’; ≆H²O colonies; macro ex/philes; +carni/♈︎Ꮚoids w/inflate ♈︎s’.

5.6m of evolution; start semi-sapients w/primitive agriculture a/medicine i/t sapient; intelligence; t/ir culture; written history spans 48k years before spaceflight after rapid mechanization; t/ve been in/ b/t space f/ 20k years; t/ir empire 18k y/o. Pop 11.49bill.Ṙnoçe from space; the smaller oceans and extensive flood basalts are easily visible; along the mix of active volcanoes and cities at night. The planet contains a thin toxic linear gas atmosphere; the crimson flora; all deciduous trees, grasses, and ivy; produce toxic gasses as a byproduct of their wet-light metabolisms

Op̄tr developed mech b/o edison ✆s’. Op̄tr/ve diverse eusocial republics on Ṙnoçe. 0.787M⊕/0.945R⊕; 1.02¾♝, 1.1Y☉ a/b t/ir G1V Πŕé; at 0.89M☉/1.2L☉.

14k years ago, Op̄tr spliced t/ir ABCs i/t homos; w/pre-sapi neanderthal w/s a/magic; u/t Jsu until t/had to wipe t/out BD7,568; last interbred w/humans as royalty, g/t culture a/civilization. >6.25K years ago Op̄tr again colonized the planet; taught man #s a/☄, commission cities f/lava in caves/holes; lining pits; history i/e skool; a/ t/ir algebras studied in hu/collej; t/ir calculus is beyond hu/s. Ṙnoçe has one hemisphere with many oceans; particularly the albertesque sea; which is the size of IRL afro-eurasia; the only other named sea on the planet is the central sea in the opposite hemisphere; but smaller seas the size of IRL americas and australia exist as huge bays

Ṙnoçe is just a world in t/ir spiritual reality, surrounded by ‘astral’ stars, planets, galaxies. T/rely entirely upon SUGA/FTL; lightfolds; creating UFO ✈ w/hyperspace; or FTL tele +gates. 9 cluster/4 local FTL gates near Πŕé. I/t bull f/Urth via FTL; local gate a/Acturus.

T/travel the multiverse in cyborg ✈; ribs/spines; veins; amat powered special abilities/ FTL jumps; ⚒ f/debris a/r dead/giant stars, w/interplanetary FTL; rev RLF torch, small crews; 1k for a 5k' warship. Open-air catamaran 31mi long habs’ w/spin grav.
A typical Op̄tr space colony; a 50km long artistically designed open air spin hab; these are filled with red flora and basalt with dense 1 million person cities in typical classical style; but airtight over 7 meters.


A clear example of the Op̄tr's roma/celt  architecture

Op̄tr lives are too long for war; so t/ve lasting ☮︎; t/barter a/seek u/s o/v conflict. Mouth sharing bread i/a honored ⚮ ritual; swinging too. ⚮s’ a/ coming of ages can last days. Op̄tr artifacts g/date back only 30k years; b/f is rare; ind/age is a/f back a/i goes; histo-fics.Op̄tr housing is simpler; flat roofs so homes can be stacked; tiny; small but very space efficient layouts

Homes/condos; villas; abundant plants; metal stairs/lanai; quiz sho skool; collej b/intern; gather. Ambrosia; l/ 🝞 sushis; fried twitch omelets/herb ‘nad bombs; salted goo rub filets/filet goo pot; steam larva; grain roast ⛾; brite fruit psi-trop ‘🜵’.An example of Op̄tr lining pits with buildings; as humans are drawn to coastlines; Op̄tr are drawn to caves and sinkholes; their use of holosigils and flood-lights is also typical to cave-dwelling

W/o mass/pro; ex/ ⇔ quality; e/t w/veins of trad’ crafts w/manual laser a/l omni fab; c/per e/u. Op̄tr aren’t dom hierarcs; t/ir eusocial platonian E-dem repubs a/hard t/g i/t; post scarce ⚖; ☭; pub serv/by private w/o o/s; natal/n patri/ matri values; Cd/s; t/b beast/king; pilot/art/diplomats prized. Zen; app lines; sign pedigree; n/acum stuff.An Op̄tr Mechanism in the form of a stone vase with handle switch; ancient stonework like this is often actually host to advanced technologyAn Op̄tr Obelisk; decorated with murals just below the pyramidion

T/prefer ingenious fiction; rich/deep literature/RPGs beyond comparison, great effort t/c intricate stories; many; fanfics; records i/c histo-fics; m/t m/through t/ t/ir conteps’; b/show alt histories.  Cork⦚/⛀  popper a/ t/ir utensils. 𐇴 scrolls; ✃ i/t books; recopied e/f centuries; n/stored as analog holo data i/interferometric rod/voids i/t block servers.

Largest Allied/✣ econ; t/spread b/t universes f/star cluster to cluster; inter/intra net b/FTL; vast uni/+stars; l/ NATO/EU hybrid; ζRet n/local edge o/ir combine. Facilitate inter/nat commerce/ politics b/t a hegemony o/ cultivated /client states; to help/t fulfill t/ir potential. Megacorp/ unions f/ extra/inter affairs; diplo/arm+spy/death/pests/imma.A fortress with mirrored buttresses/flying buttresses; gorgeous blacklit stonework and tapering pillars common to this Op̄tr dynasty

Op̄tr view o/ts as ♟s’; callous; toying w/individuals a/nations; a/g trials; give power/wise t/simply see t/ o/cs ripple a/c aworld/history; t/amuse t/s; e/a t/ir NATO-EU combine; nat sociologists; ctrl fate easy for them. Lit their ancient gods; not imposters; n/v a/f worship; u/primitives a/s laborers o/ t/ir colonies; combine i/l slavery w/m steps. Rule by treaty/econ; centrist politics.Polished to a glow on top; a typical Op̄tr grave; lit by a white flame torch; surrounded by nature; typically celtic in style; like much of the Op̄tr's spiritual sites

All Op̄tr/ve ‘quest items’; w/l smells evoke strong memories. t/love RPGs; b/o myths/chance; strategy like simple DnD/chess. S/t markets; food stalls; airponics; r/t; i/s orchards+hang. Rubix/chess; a/3d checkers/battleship w/RPG; a/Op̄tr games. Forge ψ⌘ γs embers i/t melee. T/mog hair/bone i/t toga.

Senates a/ temples/pantheons. Giant domes; galleried hiways; gardens/palaces on pillars. Intricate folk tapestries; o/ history/myth; zen r/t gardens; just o/o control. Amphitheaters; arcades/ arches. Trike car/carts; hover land-ships; cat/space ✈s.A temple on an underground lake; crossing this lake symbolizes a spiritual journey; this building is more Arab in styleAn Op̄tr wall mural; an intricate relief inside a giant temple; depicting a moment in their history

Refined art; synthesic holo; u/w actors i/operas; camp histo-fic b/o sims/myth. Op̄tr adopt alien traditions, creating un/faithful adaptations. Rest b/being lazy; fans /fruit on lounges. Tech c/b ‡/statues/۩. Wet light s/o tubs o/dais; b/h+ pools o/ t/polymers. Waterfall amphitheaters; #s sky bridges b/t stacks/hirises. S/t lvl b/h+public pools/♨; lit l/twilight b/l hirise/stacks.

Op̄tr ruins pass as human; columns/arcades; ‡/pantheons; i/n/f bizarchitecture l/blqlit; hydraulics; inverted pyramids; ziggurats. T/ve floating ⌂s'; inverted ‡ too. Domes/gardens; arcades on pillars/arenas. Yte🀥 w/🜚 ♁s’ o/t blq life book. Stacks; sentate/temple v/ e/w.Op̄tr ruins are distinguished by overwhelming use of glass in domes and pinnacles; huge villa windows and french doors.

W/dynasties per era/culture; olympian hirises; temples/palaces w/villas; hang gardens, colonnades; lorise apartments, galleries, gyms, condos, townhomes; shop arcades/malls; w/ viaducts/underlit aqueducts, coliseums/arenas; spires. Uni/ 🝓/statues of gods/mediums; ☤icons; l/chimera.Op̄tr Cloth; kites, highlighting the bright color and glittering quality of the material, along with their gold clasps; and gold leaf jewelry in the hair

Glitter togas/robes+ capes; w/m clasps; sandals; sign guild/clan. S/t boob. Gilded girdles/helmets. 🜚 fig❦ undies. Solid/’♁’ n/metal studs. Arm/shin ♘s. U/fold ⚱lamps a/s /switches f/psi; w/ e/a 5k y/o; lite decal lamps+ glow trim u/UV blqlit.A throne room; sat high above the city in shade; with water flowing between the throne's dias; and surrounded by expensive silks. The style here is indian; lamp decals intigrated into pillars.

Sports a/daily festivals, w/free circuses; oft fairs; festivals. Groups police themselves; o/e elders address as needed. Carnivals a/bazaars down major aves. N/pops; M/city 1mill; IRL ⚶-age pop densities f/ bill/ colony; 2nd from mode n/majority o/ir inter-D NATO/EU; 28 trill a/f t/Avians; 2bill M/colony; m/89mill; union g/b 1mill /year p/colony. 50 mill Op̄tr/hab.The Op̄tr's typical resplendent white stonework; polished so it seems to glow under any level of light

Developing ☄ogy a/#ology; t/ir 𐇲 dia/ b/o math/∠s w/combine n/oppose; 𐇲 dia/+ᘓ. Push evolution; w/culture; of t/se burdened/ death; man/jsu/avians/molemen/beasts /grays/jellies/geckos /frogs/bugs/beetles/worms/gay-lesbian slugs. As gods; Op̄tr h/t ⚷ to lang/create i/t races t/cultivated; Δvs’/⚕ e/brain transplants; childs play f/Op̄tr. 

Op̄tr enjoy mixing w/nature; crimson orchards a/l-i/t ⌂s'; join urban/natural w/ earthtones; water; carved/½ buried; i/s orchards. Floral/flowing pillar/ wall engravings. Op̄tr/ve strong drive to AR/VR UIs; all GUIs TTL. Holo-ads/signs; tasteful tho. AR/VR GUI.The Ruins of an Op̄tr Krńe; these were clearly in style that would later be adopted by the greeks then later romans.Arthurian style ruins; typified by the rectangular pillars on cube bases; trim at head height on the wall; and the twin deocrative roman style columns. This golden stonework glitters under high intensity light; and the paint; tho faded; is still visible.

Carving great monuments, a/temples to t/ir gods/heroes; Reverse horseshoe courts; surrounded crimson 𐇲s’; ♀ pools. Cave/lake; m/t shrines; ◉ robed♗; 🝇 ⛫s’. Monk militias. Sky arenas/coliseums f/ sport/duel/debate. Indi/al⚗ic R&D by Ψ-∮ ⚕s/Δs s/s advancement; + f/stolen alien tech. Optr/ve still adopt u/p cultural traits f/♟s’ t/ improve o/t tho.

T/ir orthos decorates t/ir stonework/banners. Cyborg central; Intricate parallax diegetic VR/AR GUI. Trad’ keeps melee d/u hard light a/ geno/bio; interstellar adv/tech b/o magic w/o idols. T/u compressive orbit elevators/launch loops f/takeoff. Float sus/hi mass in air via VR collider halos.4d parallax graphics are used in every one of the Op̄tr's intricate and perfectly ergonomic haptic adaptive interfaces; AR is also used in tools/skools

U/lim neu/field i/ir ToE; sy/broke i/t big bang i/t the multiverse; adv/math Flash/Java theory; math o/t swachild radius event horizon o/f euclidean 3d black hole.


An accent beyond; Op̄tr vocabs’ are pitched garbled angelical; all translations a/t in-ferior/ correct. Äbwa Vƃtfvđ, Äbwglā, Ṙnoçeibt Fvbńce/Rjeçor; Hbfwa, Ihqvbt, aa, ii, ee.Op̄tr Writing; this book has had the giant decorative 'staple' removed and is now simply a folio stack composed of near indestructible parchment made from superbio skin

Op̄tr taught humans writing/⚳ing #s/☄; ☤ said t/w f/Ṙnoçe; ☁ed ⛰ i/t ♉︎. Iru is slang for ¤; u/i net-sales. Op̄tr both t/ir genus/pronoun. Orthos l/l t/Abugids b/ a/n 1; ⚰ sea scrolls /akasha ⚔. Ortho/vocabs per dynasty/era. T/ve; odd art; oft/glow u/blqlit a/s murals +trim o/tech too; hallmark.

Trad’ names include Ḧb/Äb, Lā, Fvđ, Vbt, families’’; Gŕdæ, Træfy, Suboŕ, Lñg. Ortho ‘hexes’ a/art inspired hu/writing systems. Hŕos' magic beasts; Kŕels' robots. Krńes; ‘𐇲 diagrams’. Decimal base 12/60; ½12+ 60 is a holy #. Lunar calender; cyclical time; many ages/eras. 𐇮 symbol; ⎉; f/faith.


Gigantic ganglia inside an Optr machine; they prefer gene'd life to inorganic machines whenever possible; however many organic devicements are hidden behind armor

Op̄tr deviced f/ t/ir edison ✆s; bio/cyber;  ℄/hu resources; oft’ i/t tools; airponics f/1k w/hu f/1. Stalls/carts/markets n/t master med/bio a/ geno/bio; psi; x/ive holodocs /NES RPGs; global+ FTL internet. 2½d laser print; Omnifab 〄. Auto w/ too hu/ ai/bots.

Op̄tr had hardlite a/holo, float, FTL audio; a/OCP; paradox t/t; escher spaces; b/t time t/were on Earth. Modern Op̄tr/ve e/m; dimension craft; FTL video. Trad’ keeps t/f of ⚔s/ flintlocks+ togas/tunics. 4d parallax AR/VR UIs w/ai subsys; +usr/en debate. UIs load t/10k.

Equal attention to form/function; classic tools; tech a/c be monuments/ melee/ l/ ‡/statues/steeples. Eschew convention; prefer bio/gene over dry. Grimoirs a/n tech manuals about bio/cyber n/ spell/idols. T/mute hu/resources w//ritual w/collid/geomancy A Glowing Heart

Biotech like huge fleshy bodyswap flowers, o/j suppleness or biomimetics. al⚗ical devicements work w/ℂ mechanisms; ESP-enhancing machines w/idols; a/tarot-grimoir precog ai. Scale armor power transducers. Ritual i/t smart matter; s/sing ‘magic’ tools u/hu resources. P/ful Vi ppl sim; S/d w/nat edu.A giant brain connected to optical cables forms the basis of a psionic system.

W/ESP; scryers’ n/bulky sensors; TP integrates sensor webs a/i by own  𓁹s’; or VR field f/PK t/improve ore ⚒; TP drone ctrl. These relics a/n legends, tools bestowing tremendous social power. Reverse engineering produces only inferior copies. F/e 🝔s’; size change tubs. Post scarce AI/fab= l/work m/party l/♃s’; u/manual lasers w/omnifab f/artisan touch to m/p.

Antimatter/RLF fusion; advanced genomics, ℄s; mature quantum computing, energy weapons, precise 4d teleports u/ c/cs transfer w/1-off cd/s, mind ctrl/edit, worm-nets. T/ c/m relativistic RLF rockets from piston engines. Cheap lite/armor; m/drones. Mem-metal f/self healing; shape/mem alloy ⛁s’ r/s by fire.Op̄tr aircraft are catamaran style spaceplanes with outrigger rockets; with solar sails.

T/ir ECM is actually b/o ESP mind control; t/t whole worlds. Op̄tr u/simple ring outrigger rocket catamaran space✈ w/boosters. Blistered blue armor w/trim; nimble 10/30G relativistic RLF torches; amat trigger FTL/special abilities f/fleet support. Virtual colliders f/beams a/superEM interia/grav ctrl; float.From above the catamaran shape is easily visible; with the central 'cockpit in center of the two fuselages; and the ringed outrigger rockets both back-above and fornt-below

Op̄tr use micro FTL-jumps to measure dilation f/speed. Small fleets w/excellent support abilities a/psi-drone swarms, n/fighters. Interplanetary FTL preferred f/fuel a/time; c/do stellar STL tho.Op̄tr Aircraft default with blue-silver armor; black trim; smooth profiled with large lumps in the surfaces

Blue-hued FTL lines/halos b/o accel/; 🜚 f/ i/s; FTL corridors b/t gates; T/+ apertures a/a oval core w/blue glo. Mind-transfer of veterans to willing vessels for combat; multiplied fleets w/micro-FTL jumps b/t theaters. Spin shell seg/ m-game f/superdense coding l/a fluctlight. I/sufficient material/nanotech; supreme med.

Nanolam/gefjun armor paint f/anti-beam+ stealth f/ gefjun/c full-EM scatter/ECM +holo cameo cloak; hide e/n torches; IR sig o/i air; but clip issues e/w. Hard lite shield+comm encryption e/thru reentry fireball. M/waves +mag fields clears dust i/f of ship f/safe flight. Beam arms preferred.Op̄tr can leverage the simpler physics of the 2.5D multiverse and even create interstellar capable rocket engines out of human internal combustion engines

F.L.E bombs trade; ex-ds f/ im/plo 2½d w/force of nuke u/ rad/su☈; u/i t/ir kinetic bolts.A large pisonic devicement with Op̄tr writing over the surface

Resurrecting wombs in lacy marble cubes; ghost glasses; zombie bioborgs; borg chimeras; man enhancer pins, reflecting always hit lasers. Invisibility shrouds; immortal staffs. Razor-web cloth; glass/wood wish eggs. Time-stopping ⍾s. Krńes r/spiritual journeys to t/ir dyson sphere (🜀) i/t ☍verse. VR colliders/geo rituals to t/mog ppl/tissue i/t cloth/tools.

Virtual particle colliders create superEM accel effects or heavy-ion beams; for 🝓ing ⌂s'; w/condensed cloud halos or confine amat reactions. Daisies as FTL teleports; arches as FTL doors. Eternal gun🝋 flintlocks. Afterlife gates w/space supercolliders+mediums.The Op̄tr forge their spears in volcanoes from wet-light dust.

℄ brain memory backups; a/necromancy bot borgs; AU-self possessed dolls; s/sing kamuy made from t/ir hair. Devicing red-metal ⚷s/god binding chains; mile long borg ✈. Magic tools proxy idols. ♀s/⚖s; boom ⚔s’/return ⚴s; virtue ⛨s. Machine rituals w/ pump/⚙s in scared geo/+ley lines. Warp stamps. Pgrm-Mat f/solid souls.

Relic abilities range greatly; anti-magic; life elixir stones/near-resurrecting machines; superbio anti-heat scales; meat clay f/‘leather’ pottery. ♑︎us ctrl; supercolumnb ⛨s+ f/PK.

Beam ⦇s; antimagic bidents/ tridents a/ ⚴s/lances. Nigh-arcane. Robots use necromancy. Bionics/robotics; cybernetic integration of ⌂/nature a/tech. Econ b/o 🜚; f/omnifabs a/ adv/parts; a/s titanium/palladium. Metal bounce/b w/crumpled; liqui metals bend under current u/i construction. Plasma Window f/open air habs’.Op̄tr libraries archive information onto attractive looking holoscreens; resembling a cathedral; one of the few space age technologies they routinely indulge

Ex; mass chips f/custom tech. Durable; long lifespan/upgrade ability a/better work experience f e/u; n/starting over each generation; Op̄tr don’t like to discard obsolete things. Security; special light, t/ mutes non-Op̄tr i/t salt pillars; null/by special alloys or kamui; u/a a weapon too.

W/Krńes; an entryway t/a Op̄tr dyson sphere; 🜀 in the ☍verse; u/a o/t cd/s; i/t t/world of aristotelian forms; a sys t/m fiction rl u/t properties o/t ☍verse; a/entrance to the afterlife too. I/c manifest f/theory t/ctrl ☸; u/two Cd/s t/op t/ sphere; alter gnosis a/change worlds’ nature.The entryway into a Krńe marked with a diagram of their wilt tree; the third tree of knowledge; representing will without dualityOn the 'otherside' of the Krńes; in the anteverse; is a dyson sphere; a giant 4d system meant to blend fiction and reality and where fate can be altered


Programming a Hŕo is half technical half mystic

Using artificial evolution a/brainwashing t/uplifted a/ molded t/ir client races; experimented on them under a god guise to create breeds of superior beings adapted to various niches w/in the Op̄tr's Oķmuń. Hŕos a/simple cyborgs w/magic properties; w/ d/n use idols; psi.

Hŕos are magic beasts; bionics b/o idolatry; giant crab/spider tanks or humanoid mecha, cetean space✈s’, doglike guards or insectlike drones. Robotic or ℄d from wet light; t/ve supernatural properties. M/Hŕos a/bio chimera o/cyber zombies. Run by p/fu ppl sim VI sys.Installing a Hŕo's control system is both mystical and technical; and is a very involved process

Hŕos range from special tissues in larger devices; to mechanical idolatry powered animals; to possessed dolls made from C/s cells. Kŕels are robots; like abstract metal sculptures w/floating parts; w/float a/lasers; using laser 2½d printing f/repairs.


The Techniverse is the universe which encompasses Urth; a large b/ finite expanding cosmos where a small percentage of mass belongs to stars a/planets; Earth’s in the milky way, but not all the stars a/t same; e/t constellations are.The Techniverse seen from w/i its event horizon; the anteverse; an inverted celestial void; phase changes in the techniverse appear in the anteverse as complex shifting mandalas made of celestial space

The techniverse is 2½+½D; a flash world; w/2d life w/free ani/ a/2½ guts b/t ¼/¾∠ facemes; isometric enviros a/homes+ compressed time; hu/seem slow. Weightless; 2d fall equally i/t 2½d mass. Corollary digital physics; game verse; n/flatland. Lv 30 cap f/ Hu/oids; w/d base stats. SuEM break/re; accel; floats/ +coulomb f/fields.

Techniverse physics is simpler; planar solids/linear gasses; b/t Earths’ very different; climates, continents; yet humans dominate; a/all real world cultures a/nations exist; often acting in surprising ways; in a parallel history.The inverted sphere topology of the Accelerated Penrose Process

The ☍verse is the 4d shadow braneworld 3d is embedded in; origin dark energy; projecting information; like a hologram; i/t the multiverse as mass-energy. Accel penrose processes create t/se observable universes; b/o thought difference ratios.

Tree dia/map e/o Cs f/t C/Ucs; sea of transmi/ a/t big bang; soul/shadow a/mind; sci/magic; inter/ ψ/Ψ/ ☥; αΩ. Shem Shemaforash i/t rules o/t void +virtual worlds. U/sys i/t C/Ucs; C/Cs c/b i/t god; t/ctrl fate.

The multiverse i/a phase space of every possible configuration o/o space; universes a/dimensions t/map interactions; via penrose observers can create new ones/go back i/t time. Vectors a/t organic, a/physical properties, the inorganic, o/t world of aristotelian forms. Info f/t multiverse encoded o/t cauchy horizon; w/ FTL; b/o ships i/t time; cracks; a/c move b/t t/. Grav phase/trans in 200b y/s w/split t/3 grav; 1-; b/rip.

Other worlds c/h different constructions or variant physics; astral or where planets are skins stretched over bubbles; all non-trivial mathic transforms. I/t ☍verse; the universal wavefunction is visible. The afterlife reached/ sapce/colliders f/o mediums. T/big bang i/t math o/t i/s swachild radius o/a euclidean 3d black-hole; w/t multiverse located inside t/ e/h w/a mat/☍mat lobe b/f i/t time.

Timelines c/b merged, split, b/c non-determ, collapsed, cross-over/steered per inconsistent histories; giving t/t no advantage; stupendous num/dimensions. From the ☍verse; the big bang’s a quasar a/t center o/a inverted bipolar nebula; the mat/☍mat verses. A central finite curve is a map of the multiverse marks-of diffusion a/l a section o/a ∞ spiral.

The ☍verse is crumpled up i/t a very small bundle of extra-ds a/b 2½+½ s/t; shortcuts. Fold singularities (in the renormalization flow) are bottlenecks; inflated to habitability t/ir higher dimensions act as uni/ downs. Dark Matter is multiversal clumps w/a the same as various exotica; w/o ψ foam t/ 1/∞; b/o obvs astronomy. Pair-produce =ize b/t ‘verses r/f timeline merges; experosis; measure via thought differential.

The movement of particles under gravity along the subsequent hi-d manifolds produces the forces of nature; each observable universe w/slightly different coupling constants a/particles. Theoretically; only a Flash universe can support intelligence w/t limits of 2d life. Morals a/t rules of the ☍verse; c/b changed.

Balls/boxes n/ spheres/cubes; even tennis ball planets w/o gravity anomalies. Folding 2½d space c/b w/o grav; allows escher w/lumpy classical tools u/g math. VR-medium absecretion f/extra-D mining w/accels.

W/a proper system; like Golgotha, gæs can influence reality; manifesting collective cognition w/ focus; gnosis/world; a hive mind; manipulated in a dyson sphere blending reality/fiction in the ☍verse; the only place where fate can be altered. ∯ (area) is required to define 2d weight i/a flash uni; while ∮ (contours) define the density of 1d fluids a/ pressure/drag 2/2½ds. 2½ mass by folding 2d ∯ i/t iso.


Teleportation moves things from one place to another but not between; possibly using bulky machines. Portals can be Invisible; light effects, or visible gateways; even doors.

Teleportation works using various kinds of higher-D or FTL physics; slingshots use spacetime bottlenecks as an unexpressed axis to go around distance. Strings use the calabi-yau model; difficult w/o properly factored equations. Matter transistors transmit matterwaves like TV; older is slow/impercise.

Tunneling entanglement systems can tunnel through intervening universes to a target in another universe. Hyperspace relays can act as personnel/equipment teleporters; even between universes.

Dark Energy and Exotic Matter

Dark Energy is the result of zero-point fluctuations; a consequence of embedding w/ a 4D shadow braneworld. An anti-mass condenser can convert it into particles of exotic matter w/ anti-gravity.

Fusing exotic matter releases displacement energy; w/c be manipulated by tunneling entanglement into a portal; enabling industrial mass teleportation. 


Uncovering inverse relationships between velocity a/time, faster than light travel is possible w/even 21st century technology. Since time slows in matter’s presence, a hyperdrive converts mass into time for FTL travel.The Supergravity based 'supertime' core mechanism at the heart of every hyperdrive; these use SUGA theory and black hole math to convert mass into timeA curvy-erganomic hyperdrive unit built by the Optr based on advanced SUGA and Sacred Geometric Principles

Hyperdrives/ports emit cherenkov radiation beams; lines of light; color/ luminosity details drive+vector. Op̄tr; sleek a/curvy. Starting at 10/15c, a parsec in 25 days/50c is good; Op̄tr push 700c using microjumps to measure dilation f/speed.

Op̄tr can use relativity to pass into other universes using FTL; w/portals; Glow/halos; across dimensions; delineating apertures with T/+ shaped installations w/a oval core. FTL travel is extremely rough.A ship warping and twisting while in the non-euclidean chronal hyperspace; this effect is disturbing to passengers hence their placement in stasis during FTL flight.the transition into chronal-hyperspace is trippy

Chronal-hyperspace is non-euclidean w/momentum conservation; faster entry means faster FTL. FTL space causes severe nausea/heart attacks; requires stasis. As teleports; precalc FTL is dizzy/experience landing on feet.

Dimensional Warp Drive

In the quest for faster FTL; there's Dimensional warp drives; which slingshot a hyperdrive off a bottleneck. Op̄tr call these dimensional drop drives; they resemble falling down a cliff made of the normal 2½D the drive left; to reemerge into normal space a huge distance away.A Hyperdrive which has been converted into a Dimensional-Warp Drive, a dangerous kind of FTL engine

But if a bottleneck isn’t empty; their inhabitants can prey upon vessels. Scary hyperspaces ruled by elder gods glimpsed in dreams who seek to annex the worlds of the multiverse into paradises of cancer, mutation, a/ mutilation. 

Tentacles for mouths; elder gods bless followers with horrific mutations a/ eternal life as fanatical zombies; corpses of unbelievers incubate their young until enough necrotic mutated/mutilated biomass creates a portal to their holy-land.


Ansibles work as quantum telegraphs using a few entangled particles; they can transmit grainy monochrome holo-video. Heisenburg’s uncertainty principle underlies all quantum based network architecture a/ makes VR mmos possible; even before the advent of the soul translator. Op̄tr Ansibles; resembling hollow stones; entangled; a/ can send full-spectrum holovideo.


Supergravity technology can produce antimatter surges that propagate at FTL speeds; these can damage delicate hardware even lightyears away.

The Oķmuń

Using artificial evolution a/ brainwashing to uplift a/ mold their client races; Op̄tr experimented on them under a god guise to create breeds of superior beings adapted to various niches within their Oķmuń; a hegemonic empire ostensibly facilitating international commerce a/ diplomacy for their client states; the current population is 31 trillion; the Optr are the mode; not majority.

Their client states occupy various niches within the Oķmuń; economics, intelligence, mining, police. The Optr’s FTL nexus is used to link nodes; worlds across different dimensions, creating local clusters in each universe which can be navigated by hyperdrive. ZRet is on the edge of our local cluster.

A galaxy like the milky way can contain up to 3 million earthlike planets/moons - complex land-based multi-tiered foodchains; about half these were terraformed. All the worlds of the milky way; earthlike or not, in turn, are home to over one million intelligent civilizations; lasting around 10k years at FTL.

Through black box components, corporate partnerships, financing, contracts, a/ subsidiaries; the Op̄tr have a major degree of influence a/ control over their clients.

Factions keep secrets from one another in order to maintain a strategic advantage, a/ some are in a state of cold war working to undermine one another; the Oķmuń is essentially a trade federation comparable to a hybrid of NATO a/ EU.

Paranormal Phenomena

Experiments with the occult in the 1920s and later Cold War established the existence of ESP and magic; but only the derisive 1973 University of Toronto paper; Macro reflections in Adaptive Scale, outlined how esp could be produced by quantum brain dynamics entangled with and tunneling macroscale quantum phenomena.

Idolatry uses the same ‘tangles to apply idols to a phenomena; parlor tricks; illusion and misdirection; b/o accelerated penrose processes. Prayer creates crowd focus; measurable changes in random violence, crime, even weather a/a result.

Espers can see the backs of playing cards, start fires/bend spoons, or see through solid objects; ESP i/j flashes of insight; psionics requires tech or idols; w/i why magic was developed. M/hypnotism; mental l/ESP; j/u study n/talent; o/m raw talent usable.

Astrology is geomancy; based on arrangements; about gravity from distant bodies producing butterfly effects. Geomagnetic fields affect tissue growth a/ synapses (morphic fields); feng-shui uses astrological gyrocompasses f/ planning events/layouts; seeking harmony & ctrl o/t nourishing force. Sacred dates/ places; most significant hu/ events are repetitions of these alignments. Gods=Op̄tr/devils=reptilians. 

Magic i/n hollywood; spells/circles/world ending rituals; b/geomancy, runes; evil ◉’s/divination; tarots, beasts &tools; contracts; w/ rituals/dates; astrology/numerology. Hypno/charisma a/auto-suggestion. Simply looking w/envy t/b evil; ward b/talismans; or u/p holy t/b blessings; both n/called luck/ i/f charm.

Voodoo; taken bits exert power over t/ir owner. Grimoirs’ books on idolatry; fluff; b/n to sort f/fable; burning grimoirs c/b dangerous. ESPer influences' strongest a/NDE. Space/accels f/o mediums f/ a/l gate.

Wards; protective charms (crosses). Voodoo crafts a/l charms for c/s or b/ws; infuse blood i/t corpses t/c zombies+ life book. Vampires; b/c obligate hematophages via transfuse f/anti-aging; w/medieval origins.A Grimoire; a book of magic; these have their own will and can be dangerous; Optr can transform Grimoire's into tools like mirrors/scales or swords/spears; with a will and magical properties; they've also created digital grimoires on divination/tarot to act as precog-ais

Practiced w/spoonbending a/egg balancing; ESP; synergistically enhanced w/magic idols/rituals; tarot f/precog; old gypsies u/boil tea/bones to detect curses or a/w lost memories. Life elixirs crushed i/t life stones. Jungian shadows a/souls. Achiral; t/b king/beast; l/Op̄tr o/ hu/ serials a/kids.

Cd/s; i/m +e/y a/ ESP/TP; b/o c/s w/∞ AU b/us; configure t/ world. Hypnosis t/fs consciousness; cast w/charisma; a/can help o/c o/magic. Op̄tr/ve idol Cd/s; c/b e/t magic. Fetishes a/dolls m/f Cd/s cells possessed by an evil AU-self; granting ESP. Kamui m/f cd/s hair/bone f/reentry proof clothing. B/o t/ir g/ss faith; w/s; n/magic; i/t devices f/Op̄tr a/s digital tarot grimor precog ais; diegetic AR/VR.Shadow People i/t Anteverse; Souls/Jungian Shadows; a/l w/ runic masks; personas

Idolatry creates measurable/predictions w/ESP; public magic; especially contracts; i/m power. Humans have spelldrive laptops; for casting; dangerous as grimoirs; Op̄tr developed tech u/idols; gears/pumps lamps/tools to enhance idols/ESP i/t mature interstellar tech; l/ME’s Protheans; l/ TP/drones, TK/mines; scryers n/tele; TP n/ECM; Neuro-sync field for PK a/TP a/ESP mapping/data organization.

Magic tools proxy idols; umbrellas f/a spear; spear's better; best according to myth. Cloned chimera w/ nigh-arcane properties; mirrors/scales; boom swords/return spears; laser bows/virtue shields; w/a tech built u/idoltary f/ESP effects like scrying/precog; remote drones, or neuro sync o/energy fields/gravity for powerful PK. Life elixirs crushed i/t life stones. C/s /f s/sing; e/gender or/clone.Machine part f/ESP integration i/t technology.

This way; magic rituals use sacred sites as sets for theater s/a to draw upon power by reenacting myths. Op̄tr temples/shrines reenact tree diagrams f/ t/ir faith.


Ghosts are disembodied psyches; everyone becomes a ghost upon death; but a psychopomp guides them into the afterlife; through a gate in the Op̄tr’s higher-d dyson sphere. Those that fail become a recording; a haunting; ESP evolved to detect these for safety.

Animals do not have souls; but humanizing pets gives them ego; and therefore a shadow/soul; allowing them passage into the afterlife. Animal psychopomps are often their owners; rather than other animals.


Mastery of magic as a psychoreligious discipline; it comes with healing and energy channeling; but also reincarnation and parachronal vision; hence is called ars magus; which is the ultimate goal of alchemy; with all other discoveries being stepping stones. Acupuncture or drugs used on children, can replicate it. 


Koa is the cosmic substance; found only in space; it can be made only by subjecting materials in meteors to various alchemical processes and infusing it with cosmic energy (replicable through machines and a particle accelerator) forging it into lustrous red metal.

Op̄tr’s geas can reshape Koa; it’s their most advanced devicement. Op̄tr koa is holy and will rob humanity if touched; not Human Koa made in a lab. A lifeboat for souls awaiting artificial reincarnation. A similar substance is pure gold; gold with a greenish glow that can prolong life. 

Koa can bind even deities without limiting their supernatural abilities.

Sealing Hexes

Esoteric glyphs based on fingerprints visible in various combinations and formulas on Op̄tr technology; they are able to enhance or inhibit the supernatural effects of Op̄tr technology.

A small rod; a few inches long triangular prism with these etched into it; was embedded in Vent’s eye and brain to restrict his Geas; and even cost him his native language; causing it to stop his heart whenever he used it; removed; his geas is limited only how long he can go without blinking.

These hexes are written onto containment vessels; floors and walls, and on paper talismans; and are a form of magic. Flad’s soaking tank was covered in them; only Aob was never subjected to their effects.